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Just a few days after the engagement of Clarissa Downey and Sebastian Stan was confirmed on Instagram, Marvel announced their new Peter Parker in the upcoming Marvel film: Captain America: Civil War.

Tom Holland's older adoptive sister, Princess Victoria has been confirmed to be coming back to play the loveable Vanya Maximoff. As seen above, Tom Holland stays with adoptive sister in LA.

The Princess has three places of residence and spends equal time in all three of them. One house she shares with Chris Evans in LA and the other is her family home in London with the Holland's. And of course her final residency is Kensington Palace in the heart of London.

With Victoria's senior royal engagements becoming bigger towards Christmas (her birthday) she takes days off as she gets them. Despite continuing to act, it is already clear the impact Victoria has had on the public since becoming an offical Princess after her coronation.

The coronation was an event that signified the Church of England's beliefs of Victoria being the late Princess Diana's daughter shared with Prince Charles. Everybody knows her story and knows that whatever the Princess will do, she'll do it to the standard that she wants. As Victoria isn't a quitter she works hard to achieve her goals.

Tom Holland has been said to be ecstatic about playing Peter Parker, as he was his favourite Superhero growing up. Not only that but his sister has already been in one marvel movie before him and friends with the entire cast. Tom's best friend, Harrison Osterfield will stay with Tom while he's filming as the pair are inseparable and never seperate no matter what.

Nikki and Dom Holland (Tom's biological parents) are said to be excited and worried at the same time for their son. As this role will gain him more publicity than he initially wanted when getting into the acting business. But they both know that their oldest children will use whatever safety measures they have too to keep safe from the public.

With Victoria's looming 26th birthday on the rise, rumours have said that she will spend Christmas Eve with the Holland's and attend church Christmas Morning with her biological family. Before celebrating her birthday and Christmas for the first time with the royal family. Chris Evans has also been stated to be joining the families on both occasions and supporting his girlfriend through everything.

With the cast still celebrating Sebastian and Clarissa's engagement, it has come to our attention that Victoria will be maid of honour. Normally, royals are not aloud to be maid of honours at weddings but to make a respectful appearance. However the Queen has made an exception as Victoria was not raised as a royal. So we will see the wedding between Sebastian and Clarissa soon enough in the new year.

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