~ Yoongi ~
"We are one body,
Sometimes we will clash.
You can never break me off,
this you must know.
Yeah! I'm you..."
"Knowing a person is like a Music"
"What attracts us to them is their Melody"
"As we get to know who they are, we learn Lyrics"
A bright lights welcome Yoongi as he wake up with a trembling head and aching body, he close and open his eyes as he try to make the blurred image turn to a clearer view, immediately he felt a string pain in his left wrist and when he look at it, a dextrose instantly show, then he heard the door open and a shock voice echo inside the four corners of the white room. "Nurse! Help! The patient already awake!" Then a young woman instantly show up in his side. "Hi! How are you? Thank God you finally awake!"
Yoongi freeze a little shock as curiousity written in his face, he cough as he ask. "Ahhmm... Who are you and where am I?" The young woman immediately give him a water to drink with a warm smile she calmly response. "You're in Busan General Hospital, Im-" The young woman got interrupted by the Doctor and two Nurses who approach Yoongi immediately. "Excuse us but can we check him first?" Yoongi and the young woman just nod yes as they let the Doctor and Nurse check his vitals. "How are you? Is there something aching inside your body?" The Doctor ask after he examine Yoongi's beaten body, he immediately response. "My head is aching and my body felt sore mostly in the left side of my shoulder down to my waist."
"Alright, I think we need to examine you more, Nurse ready the MRI, I need a CT scan from his head down to his waist." The Nurse nod immediately as he right down to his record but Yoongi immediately stop them. "No need for that, I don't have enough money to pay for it, can you just give me some pain killer to reduce the pain?" The Doctor just look at him with sympathy his about to argue with but the young woman interrupt them. "Doc. just go on with his examination I'll handle the expenses." Yoongi instantly turn his gaze at young woman as he ask her again. "Why? Do you know me?" The young woman just smile as she speak. "No. But Im here to help you, just go on with the medical examination to make sure about your health condition, let's just talk after that, okay?" Yoongi reluctantly but nod yes anyway and let the Nurse help him to transfer in wheelchair and undergo with the medical check up.
After a few hours passed, they return to the room as the Doctor examine his CT scan result. "Alright! There's no internal problem to worry too much, the results are normal just a little dislocated bones in your left shoulder but it can be treated with one to two months therapy, you just need to undergo with it, take a lot of rest and take this medicine for body pain, also please make sure to clean your wounds properly." A relieve breath release as Yoongi immediately rest his aching body in Hospital bed after bowing to the Doctor saying thank you with deep sincerity, the Doctor just smile as they bid goodbye leaving Yoongi and the young woman alone inside the Hospital room, silent raise instantly before the woman speak and break it. "Thank God your condition is not critical, by the way Im Suran, Im here to help you and offer you to work with us after your therapy, if you are interested!" Yoongi immediately turn his gaze to the young woman as response. "Thank you very much for helping me, I really appreciate it, please lend me your contact so I can repay you, Im Yoongi, Min Yoongi and what kind of work your offering to me?"
"Im working at this Entertainment Company as a Producer, Solo Performer and also talent scout, I saw your performance before the incident and I like it, would you like to audition with us?"
Yoongi freeze again for the second time, become speechless and dumbfounded as he can't believe what he heard from the young woman "Am I still asleep? Is this a fucking sweet dream or what" tears immediately fall to his eyes, too overwhelmed with everything happening to him and even his body is aching, his happiness can be seen in his face as a wide gummy smile spread instantly in his face, he immediately nod yes multiple times as the young woman return with a warm smile. "Thank you very much for saving and helping me."
"Your welcome! Saving you that night is worth it! Your talent is very awesome, you have a lot of potential in Music Industry, let's work it out and show it to world!"
Present date... Seoul, South Korea
The morning sun shines through the window that hit Yoongi right in his face, waking him up with displeasure and terrible head ache, he forcefully lift his upper body and check his surrounding, he let a relief deep breath knowing that he is inside of his own room and safely return to their shared dorm, he look in his side table to check the time but a little note with hangover medicine and a bottle of water welcome him.
He take the medicine instantly as he read the letter came from their Sunshine Hoseok, he mentally thank him from everything he done on him from the previous night till this early morning, he then fully lifted his body and went in his own bathroom to take a quick bath, after a few minutes he quickly walk out to his room to look for Hoseok so he can personally thank him, he found the goofy man in their living room area eating his favorite burger and sprite while watching some movie in his laptop, he immediately approach him. "Hoseok~ahh thank you for picking me up last night and for the hangover medicine."
With a goofy smile Hoseok greet him. "Your welcome Hyung, want some burger?" He just nod and take a little bite as he sit next to him while enjoying the tasty fatty food he chew and laid his head in Hoseok shoulder.
"Are you okay Hyung?"
"Hmmm... Just a little dizzy"
"Take a rest and drink more water Hyung"
"Yeah, I will"
"Hmmm... By the way Hyung, don't take this question in a wrong way, but what your plan with your relationship situation?"
"I still don't know what to do Hoseok, maybe I'll start with being honest with Suran, I can't continue our relationship if I can be totally loyal and hold so many secret behind her."
"That's a nice idea Hyung and I hope everything will be okay for both of you and Suran Noona, she deserve a truthful and honest partner and you also deserve to be truly happy and maybe that little Mochi will make your heart satisfied"
"I hope so, after "the truth untold" reveal to her, I hope everything will be okay and she'll find someone that will truly cherish and love her without mask and hidden sexuality."
"Ohh... So are you planning to come out now and tell her everything?"
"I don't know if I can Hoseok, Im so afraid to come out and I don't want her to know about our Organization, its too risky for her to be involve."
"So you just going to break up with her without explanation?"
"I don't know, maybe tell her I want to fully focus on my career and I don't want her to wait for unsure future and she deserve someone better than me."
"That's a not so good explanation, but its your life so I respect your plan, but I hope you can take off that mask Hyung, be free and truly happy even just for us, you know we will support and accept you no matter what."
"I know and Im really thankful for that Hobi~ahh, let me just take all my courage to do so." Hoseok just hug him and nod, giving him some strength to face his own dilemmas as they stay in silence and enjoy the rest of the day.
Yoongi thoughts run freely as he think a nice way to solve his relationship with Suran but a little Mochi and his angelic voice keep disturbing him with his own temptation that keep coming to his head and forcing him to see him again "Im going crazy and insane! chorahan moseupboyeojul sun eopseotto gam yeoneulsseugo noel mannareo ga... But I still want you! Park Jimin what are you doing to me?!" Yoongi just close his eyes and calm his thoughts as he let his brain shut down for a while and take small nap in Hoseok side.
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