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He was running.





"Hey uh,have you guys seen cheol?" Wonwoo was looking for him everywhere but he still couldn't find him.

"Oh- I saw him at the garden a while ago, he was kissing someone." Myungho answered moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Haha, very funny myungho", Wonwoo laughed out loud almost sarcastically.

He couldn't be cheating on me right?

"What's so funny?" Myungho was confused. Jun and Hoshi were too.
They know nothing about their relationship except for Mingyu, his bestfriend.

"Oh? Nothing. See you guys later!" Wonwoo said before he immediately went to the garden behind the school.

There, he saw him.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Seungcheol was kissing a girl, or that's what he thought.

Wonwoo ran fast as he could, going somewhere he couldn't be seen. He bumped into Mingyu while he was running but he felt too much like shit to even care.

"Wonwoo! Where are you going?!" Mingyu practically yelled. He saw the tears in his eyes, he knew something was wrong, so he followed him.

Wonwoo collapsed on the ground of the janitor's closet, crying his heart out. He couldn't believe it. "Wonu.. are you okay? Can I come in?" Mingyu was worried, that was obvious. He knew his bestfriend very well and he knows how bad it is whenever he cries like this.

"Won I'm gonna come in, okay?" Mingyu wanted to help him, he wanted to comforthis bestfriend. He has liked Wonwoo for years, but he didn't want to admit it especially when he now has a partner. Wonwoo muttered a small 'okay' before Mingyu slowly opened the door.

"Wonu, what happened? Can you please tell me?" Mingyu asked. The worry in his voice was evident, especially on his face.

Wonwoo was still crying so much. Everytime he tries to speak, it would be interrupted by his gasps and sobs.

"Hey hey Wonu, take a deep breath, okay? Take your time", Mingyu sat on the floor next to the crying boy, playing with his hair so he would calm down.

The next thing he knew, Wonwoo was now seated on his lap. He didn't realize that he placed Wonwoo on top of him until he felt Wonwoo's shaking hands on his shoulders.

But Wonwoo was too deep in his emotions to be shocked right now, so he buried his face in Mingyu's neck. Mingyu could care less if his shirt was soaked with Wonwoo's tears.

"Mingyu.." Wonwoo managed to say despite the sobs he was letting out.
"Yes?" Mingyu answered quickly but carefully, making sure not to overwhelm the other.

"He.. Seungcheol.." Wonwoo couldn't get the words out of his mouth, knowing it would make everything worse.

"Take your time Won.." Mingyu reassured, his hand rubbing circles on Wonwoo's back while Wonwoo was playing with Mingyu's shirt.

"He's.. cheating on me.. I s-saw him kissing a girl.." Wonwoo's sobs got louder again as he couldn't control it.

"What? That asshole.. how can he do such a thing?" Mingyu's voice was getting higher, pissed off and shocked.
Mingyu looked very scary if Wonwoo was being honest.

"Wonu.. cry all you want, I don't care. Cry on me, it's alright." Mingyu pitied Wonwoo. He definitely knew the older isn't going to recover for a long time. Wonwoo is a very sensitive person.

Wonwoo finally got to calm down. He found himself laughing. "I was so stupid to think he loved me, but I'm boring and annoying, so how could I think he did?" Wonwoo was wrong. He's so delicate, Mingyu would do anything for him, even if that meant he had to die.

"Wonu, don't say that. It was all his fault, don't blame yourself." Mingyu reassured
Wonwoo. God he really hates it when Wonwoo blames himself, it hurts him.

"It's true tho, isn't it Gyu? I'm scared.. what if you'll leave me too? Did you just pretend to be friends with me because you pitied me? Are you just pretending to care?"

Mingyu was shocked, speechless. He never knew these words could come out of the older's mouth.

"Wonu, why are you thinking like that? I never pretended to care, I never pretended to be with you just because I pitied you. I wanted to be friends with you that's all I ever wanted. You're cool, sweet, you're gorgeous, you're amzing. And I never ever thought of leaving you, I became friends with you because I wanted to, and that means because I liked you."

"I-" Wonwoo was about to say something until Mingyu connected his lips on his.

Wonwoo widened his eyes. The kiss was short, but it felt like it lasted forever. He never knew Mingyu felt this way about him.

"I- I'm sorry Wonu..I shouldn't have done that.." Mingyu felt worried and guilty about the fact that he just kissed Wonwoo, unconsciously.

'I just ruined our friendship', He thought.

Before he could apologise to Wonwoo again, the older kissed him with no hesitation. It was a longer kiss with much more love and passion.

"I.. also like you gyu.. I didn't know myself, I thought seungcheol was the one I fell for and loved but.. now I've realized, I was wrong."

Mingyu has never felt so happy. Everything was frozen to him. He always thought Wonwoo only liked him as a friend and only that, but oh boy was he so wrong.

"I- I love you Wonu, so much." Mingyu wrapped his arms around Wonwoo's waist, squeezing him.

"I love you too.. but you're squeezing me, hey!" Wonwoo laughed whilst in pain, trying to get Mingyu's hands off his waist.

"Oh! Sorry, my bad" Mingyu giggled while unwrapping his arms off of the shorter and standing up.

"Let's go Wonu, I'll get you ice cream." Mingyu said, excitement evident in his voice.

"Mint choco?"

"Mint choco."


what kinda story is this..

but ngl, kinda proud. It has like 1000 words.

sorry for the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes!

Bye !!

Tomorrow x Together


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