chapter xxxii: stranger danger

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"this is gonna be hella complicated."

kazua falls back dramatically on her bean bag, covering her eyes with her arm. takemichi just told them what's going to happen next, specifically on christmas eve. she didn't know that the black dragons will be involved so soon, and she will need to talk to senju about this matter to get her opinion.

"taiju, huh?" she muttered to herself. "i stumbled upon him at least once or twice."

"you stumble upon a lot of people, don't you?" baji rested his cheek on his palm, his elbow planted on his knee as he boringly gazed at the girl. "what, did you end up in a brawl with the haitani twins too?"

"ah, yeah. just a year ago, actually." kazua replied lazily. "they're good, i guess. pretty odd fighting style, but it's best not to underestimate them."

takemichi sweat dropped. he's scared at the fact that he's seen her fight, but doesn't know the full capacity of her strength just yet. kazua definitely looks like someone who can pack a punch when least expected. to think that she was able to defeat the haitani brothers too.

"why don't you just join toman, sada-san?" he suggests.

"huh? are you stupid?" instead of a sweet and gentle voice, it was baji's rough one. "mikey wouldn't let her join even if she wanted to. besides, you both haven't settled anything at all, have you?"

the question was directed to the dazed girl, now laying on the beanbag horizontally as she stared at the high ceiling of her house. she hums, remembering how mikey brought her to yoyogi park on the night of her birthday.

they never talked about the past now that she was able to think back to that day.

but after that, it was back to the normality they made for themselves—away from each other.

"no, and there is nothing to settle." she mumbled. "i can't join toman. it'll give kisaki more options to end me, too, assuming that he is he one stalking me. maybe i should join black dragon?"

"what, no!" baji was quick to deny the thought. "hell no. as if i'd let you go there and be some sex doll to them. the black dragon today isn't the same as before."

"i wasn't serious, dumbass." kazua chuckled lightly. "i know what black dragon is now, thank you very much."

"it would be better if i could keep an eye on black dragons, but that would be me exposing my plans." she inwardly groaned. "gosh, i hate being stalked. i won't be able to sleep tonight too."

"you were able to win that fight, didn't you?" she asked. "no one died and all?"

"y-yeah, there were only a few casualties. mikey-kun and draken-kun handled it by the last minute, so mikey-kun was able to defeat taiju before mistuya-kun could pass out."

"sano is stronger than taiju, that's for sure."

"so, what do we do?"

"hmm?" kazua closed her eyes, tired from all that's happening at the same time. she has a lot to think about, and christmas eve nearing isn't doing her any better. "i was thinking of defeating taiju before mitsuya gets there. better yet, before the yuzuha girl gets there."

"you can count on me to do that, then." baji punched his palm. "since takemitchy and chifuyu didn't agree on the team up kisaki offered, we don't need to worry about that bastard."

"yeah, even if kisaki didn't get to you two," kazua looks at both blondes, "he'll find a way to find out all about taiju and manipulate both hakkai and yuzuha into killing their eldest brother."

takemichi didn't know how the girl could be so confident about her deductions, but he trusts her. after all, they were able to save both draken and baji with her help. even if hakkai isn't anyone important to her, the fact that he's from toman and plays a major role in their future is enough for her to make sure that they won't fail their next mission.

"unfortunately," kazua sighs, "i might be a little late. i need to visit someone on christmas eve."

"doesn't matter. i'm finishing taiju before you come." baji smirks at her.

"heh, aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself, kei?" kazua smirked back. "if i got there and taiju's defeated, then i'll buy you peyoung yakisoba."

"and if he's still standing, i'm buying you custard cream taiyaki?" baji asked, receiving a nod from the latter. "you got a deal!"


after planning, kazua walked the three of them out of her house. she stops outside the gates and tucked her hands inside her skirt pockets. "are you sure you guys don't want me to drive you all home?"

"we'll be fine, kaz." baji patted her head, lightly smiling down at her. "she hasn't changed at all." kazua would often offer to walk her friends home even back then. it makes her feel uneasy knowing that her friends walk home alone when there are many gangs scattered around tokyo.

it just isn't safe anymore.

"yeah, our bruises already healed too." chifuyu said. "we'll see you next time, then?"

"alright. head home safe, you three."

"bye, sada-san!"

with a small smile, she waves at chifuyu and takemichi who were the first ones to walk off. baji ruffles her hair one more time before taking a step back. "you know," kazua hummed, "tora thinks you're really dead."

"where is he, anyway?"

"oh, i got him arrested. didn't i tell you that?"

"wait, what?!"

"yeah, but tora was going to surrender himself in the first place." kazua pried his hand off her head. "imagine when he gets out and find you alive. that'll surely scare the hell outta him!"

"heh, let's pick him up together, then!" baji grinned back, loving the idea of giving kazutora a scare right after he gets out of jail. "say, i didn't know your parents died."

"how would you? we haven't seen each other in so long." kazua grinned back. "it's all good, though. you don't have to worry about me."

"still," baji looked up at the house, "if you ever need anything, call me. i won't get mikey tied into whatever it is, i promise."

"i'll keep that in mind." she nods back. "say, kei?"


"let's talk more about tora's situation another time." she smiled. "there's a few things i want to discuss with you, given that you are his victim."

"up to something again, i see." baji chuckled. "alright, then. just give me a call."

"mhm!" she turns him around and pushed him lightly to gesture that he should get going. "bye now. oba-chan wouldn't like it if you stay past curfew."

"crap, you're right!"

when they were out of her sight, only then did she come back inside her residence and locked the gates.

kazua didn't forget to double check if her home security was activated, remembering that her stalker is possibly still there. though, she wasn't able to see anyone when she went out.

it won't hurt to be extra cautious.

baji offered to stay over earlier to make sure she's safe through the night, but she knew that his mother will be worried sick if he does stay over. it hasn't been long since he was released from the hospital, and his wound only closed recently.

she won't risk having him in a brawl so soon.

"guess we're putting you up again tonight." kazua takes a thin string connected to a bell on her room's ceiling and tied it by her window.

being a woman living in a house alone taught her a lot of things.

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