chapter lx: time capsule

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a few weeks after the tokyo manji gang disbanded, the division captains and vice-captains were told to gather at the shrine one last time. mikey and draken literally picked up kazua from her home when she just woke up to bring her along.

hence, why she's standing right there in a silk pajama set, a thick jacket, and mistmatched sneakers.

"nice get up, kaz." mitsuya slung an arm around her shoulder, showing her a teasing grin. "as always, your fashion is too unique for any of us!"

"please, shut up. i came here without eating proper breakfast." she grumbles.

"stop scowling already. you're gonna kill everyone here." baji walked over with a warm taiyaki wrapped in parchment. in an instant, kazua's eyes glittered and she took it from him in excitement.

"i knew i could count on you, kei!"

"did you guys bring your stuff for the time capsule?" mikey asked after everyone arrived.

they all nodded and raised their hands, but they didn't show their items. "alright! let's all put it in the box. we'll be writing our letters here at the same time."

draken handed out a paper and a pen to each person, patting kazua's head when he stopped in front of her to hand her materials over. she stuck her tongue out. "tsk, emma simp."

"mikey simp."

"hiding the matching necklaces, i see. emma might get mad."

"i'm wearing it. here, you see that? hmph, at least we're not as cringey as you two wearing red strings of fate."

"braided beanpole who doesn't even have the guts to confess to—"

"oi, oi. that's too much!" mitsuya covered her mouth with his hand.

draken only laughed and thanked mitsuya before proceeding to the others.

kazua went to the steps and wrote her letter. a small frown remained on her face as she moved the pen. "these are more like reminders rather than me asking my future self how i have been."

still, she can't be too carefree.

she needs to make that hotel.

as soon as everyone finished, they sealed their letters in separate envelopes and put all their things in the box. baji and chifuyu already dug up a hole by a specific tree near the shrine, and mikey was the one who buried it in.

"what did you put in?"

"idiot, it won't be fun if i tell you."

"i might forget what i put in, you know?"

"good! that's the real thrill of a time capsule!"

"everyone, let's remember..." mikey turned to the others with a big smile. "twelve years from now, on the anniverssaty of toman's formation...june 19th, let's meet here again!"

"let's take pictures!"

"hey, i brought the food!"

"perfect, let's all have a picnic, then!"

"can i please get a change of clothes first? it's freezing."

"sazu, don't leave alone. i'll go with you!"

they all hung out together at the shrine until nightfall, not once feeling fatigued all over. they didn't want this day to end, but as much as they didn't want to, they need to move forward.

kazua cherished every second she spent with everyone, even getting to know the kawata brothers, hakkai, and chifuyu more since she already knew the original six.

by the time it stroke twelve, only takemitchy, mikey, and kazua remained. the three of them sat on different levels of steps by the shrine.

one thing in common is that they're looking up at the stars like they were the most beautiful thing in the world.

"so, i guess this is it." mikey hums.

"yeah, you have to go back to the future, takemitchy." kazua nodded back in agreement.

she was the first to stand, dusting off the dirt that clung on her behind. with a smile, she turns to the crybaby hero and held her hand out for him to take.

"thank you, really." she said. "if it wasn't for you...i would have lost my only family left. there's senju, of course, but the original six always has a special place in my heart."

no tears escaped, but takemitchy can see how her emotions swirled around her eyes. a first he's ever seen her eyes alight, and it's on the day he leaves.

he takes her hand, lifting himself up from the steps.

"and now that i've met you..." kazua closed her eyes, a wide grin appearing on her lips. "...don't go disappearing on me too! manji and i will be attending your wedding in twelve years time, after all."

"she's right." mikey stood beside the girl with a similar smile. "we can't miss my hero's wedding day, right?"

"what do you guys want us to gift you on your wedding? i can buy you guys a new car." kazua suggested excitedly. "wait, no. i'll just buy you guys a house first. you need that most."

"a-a house?! kazua, that's too much!"

"why not? marriage is a huge step, you know! i should talk to hina-chan about the interior. does she love cooking, or is she the breadwinner of the family? i can set the prettiest office, or the kitchen could be grand. maybe i could do both."

"b-b-but a house is too much for a wedding gift!"

"sazu's pretty loaded already, takemitchy. there's no stopping her."

"mikey-kun, you should be stopping her!"

the two only laughed at his panicked state, both entirely serious of buying him that house for their wedding.

"well, you'll have to find out in twelve years." mikey held his hand out to him. "see you there, takemitchy."

"we'll meet each other soon." kazua adds.

these two, they always have such gentle smiles on their faces. it's as if they're always reassuring everyone that everything will be okay.

"they're really selfless." takemichi smiled softly. "mikey-kun, kazua. let's all be happy in the future."

taking his hand, takemichi gave them one last grin and said, "you two will be the first to receive our invite!"

and before they knew it, takemitchy was gone. "he must be back in his house." kazua mutters.


mikey turns to face her with a small smile, opening his arms for her. kazua didn't need to be told to so what he's asking for. she willingly embraced him tightly, arms wrapping around his neck as she buried her face on his collarbone.

"you know, if happy ever afters really do exist..." he whispered in her ear, inhaling her sweet scent that he begged to never forget. "...i wonder if i'd still be holding you like this."

"silly," kazua chuckles against him, "you can hold me like this as much as you want, manji."

"don't mind if i do." mikey gently pulled her head away from his shoulder, one of his hands cupping her face under her ear. "i love you, sazu."

he leans in, guiding his lips to meet her own in a sweet, loving kiss.

and there was love.

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