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• mikey gatekeeping takemitchy
• "oi, he's my bitch! don't even try!"
• "manji, she's a school club recruiter."
• "i don't know what that is, but she's trying to take him away!"


• sanzu staying up all night to teach senju a tiktok dance lmao
• "get it right! i already taught you this!"
• "i don't see mint choco anywhere."
• "sanzu, be nice to your sister! she's cute!"
• not at takeomi being so done with them and wakasa just laughing at the couch


• sano siblings going grocery shopping
• bump into haitani brothers
• bump into akashi siblings
• bump into mitsuya siblings
• bump into shiba siblings
• kazua grocery shopping herself and ended up in the middle of the siblings
• "i need to hurry before they all beat me to the premium beef."
• "sazu! wait for me!"
• "they're going to get the premium beef! run for it!"
• "sanzu-niisan!"
• "formation zero!"
• "mana, it's time for your cuteness to be put to use!"
• "where the hell is draken when you need him?"  takemitchy helplessly watches with hina and naoto


• kazua and mikey having a lazy fit day while they were shopping
• they go to a luxury store
• staff ignore kazua, mikey almost rampages but kazua stops him
• she decided to pick out three dresses, a handbag, and perfume
• upon checkout, the cashier asks "are you sure you can pay for this?"
• "yeah, do you want me to buy the store too?" kazua bluntly asks back, making mikey snort behind her
• "as if you can do that."
• kazua literally calls the manager of the store because she knows them, bought the store right in front of the cashier and told them to fire her.
• "i want you to fire...uh, excuse me." kazua's free hand comes up to look at the name tag on her clothes. "miyogi hikari? yes, her. she's giving bad customer service and i don't want that in my store."
• checkout finishes, kazua sweetly smiles as she takes the bag
• "there's a reason why ganchela is my favorite."


• kazua staying unbothered when a lot of girls are obviously fawning over mikey
• takemitchy and chifuyu asks her why
• "bitch, i went through hell and back for that man. no girl's about to snatch him away."
• "bitch, my girl went through hell and back for me. as if i'd look at anyone else but her!"
• of course, mikey pops out of nowhere and hugs the girl from the back, kissing her cheek in front of his many pursuers to show who he belongs to
• "if anything, i'm the more territorial one!"
• "don't say it like that, manji."
• "did you know sazu was asked out thrice during our date yesterday? i nearly killed someone!"
• takemitchy and chifuyu were immediately immersed at his stories like little children
• "now, remember! if a man hits on your girl, what do you do?!"
• "kick them in the nuts and end their bloodline!"
• "i taught you well!"
• kazua hopelessly looking at the three with emma and hinata laughing behind her


• somehow, kazua and inupi become classmates in college and found out about him crushing on kokonoi
• "bitch. how dare he pretend you're akane, though? can i fight him?"
• "that's not why i opened this to you."
• "hmph, bet i make more than him, anyway. i'm your bank card now."


• emma protection squad
• mikey, izana, kazua, draken
• someone in her school would bully her and mikey will be the first to find out
• he'd tell draken first, then izana
• the three would wait out her school the next day to make sure she's okay lmaoooo
• brave bitches actually push emma around in front of them
• kazua somehow gets there (izana told her) and the four of them walked up to the bullies
• aura = highly lethal
• "do you know who you're dealing with here?"
• former leader of tokyo manji gang and kantou manji gang
• former toman vice president and former brahman member
• former leader of tenjiku
• brahman's top one
• the POWER
• "sweetheart, when i tell you that you wouldn't wanna mess with us." kazua leaned down the scared bully leader's level, smirking evilly. "you really wouldn't."
• draken slings an arm around emma and leads her away, letting mikey and izana glare at her bullies before following with kazua
• "you didn't tell me sano emma is the sano emma!"
• "her brothers were leaders of gangs, mika!"
• "i swear, i died when she eyed us down!"
• "and her boyfriend is ryuguji ken!"


• imagine kazua and mikey finding out about chifuyu's getup before he met baji
• "are you portraying some bad boy you read in a romance manga?"
• straight up bullying
• "someone save me."


• triple dates (takehina, drakemma, kanjiro)
• arcade dates definitely
• the girls shopping
• takemitchy hyping them up, draken helping them choose clothes, then there's mikey eating dorayaki at the corner
• carnival date next
• takemitchy would try to win bears and stuff for hina
• draken would ride around with emma
• then there's kazua and mikey just eating around the food stalls
• "try this!"
• "this too!"
• "ahh, sazu, i don't have money anymore!"
• "i'll pay for it, manji. what do you want?"


• inui and kazua have wednesday heel days
• they wear matching heels to school (sometimes even clothes)
• they definitely shop together
• "how 'bout this one?"
• "that's gonna look so hot on you, oh stars!"


• izana and kazua play game of the generals with mikey as the arbiter
  • "ah, private beats spy, so izana loses!"
  • "idiot, you're not supposed to say the pieces out loud!"
  • "i have a feeling he's doing this to make you win, kazua-chan."


• mikey picking up both draken and takemitchy from their house to hang out
  • takemitchy and draken preoccupied with their phones texting emma and hina
  • mikey tries texting kazua, but the poor girl was in class with inui
  • "i thought we're hanging out? why are you on your phones?"
  • "babe time."
  • "this is unfair! we're supposed to be bonding~"
  • "why don't you text kazua?"
  • "she's in class." mikey keeps whining, but the two weren't paying attention
  • he receives a notif from kazua
  • "wanna call while i'm in class?"
  • poor boy looked so happy when kazua video-called him
  • "SAZU!"


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