Two~The beauty in things

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~But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothings changed
At all?


Evelyn's POV~

I woke up with jacks tanned arm wrapped around my waist, his soft breath on my back, my hair intertwined in his fingers.
The morning was dewy and soft, the scent of salt water and a calming welcoming breeze. The sound of morning birds and the rising sun's rays lifting in the sky. I was the first awake, except Simon who I couldn't see lying down.
I looked around and saw the boys on top of each other, either snoring or tucked away sleeping soundly. I chuckled at the sight. I've never been this close with boys, since I went to an all girls school and lived with 7 other sisters. The only boy I ever confessed love to was my dad, but I guess that was an unconditional one. This love I felt for them was different. I simply couldn't describe it.
I carefully lifted jacks muscular arm off me and wriggled away, cautious to put no weight on my legs. They've thankfully scabbed over now, still painful though.
I shrugged it off and took it to myself to wander into the forest to explore. I've never been abroad or to a tropical island before, England was cold and dreary and all the birds we had were pigeons and annoying seagulls. The birds here were exotic with vibrant wings and long beaks, they flew high and made the most beautiful melody's. I picked my way through the forest, following the small stream. It lead to a lagoon. The water was clearer than crystal and shone like a million stars, reflecting on my face. I suddenly realised how dirty I was. I felt so embarrassed seeing that I showed up like that to the boys. I straightened my hair out and dipped my face in the water, it was so refreshing.
Go in
I gave up, stripping off my shirt and skirt and dove in, feeling the stress and pain off my legs and the thoughts leaking out of my ears. I dived down deeper, swimming through the lagoon, my eyes stung but I didn't care. At that moment everything felt okay.
I came up on the surface, breathing out and wiping the hair out of my eyes.
I didn't realise Simon was there, sitting by the pool, a lizard perched on his arm.
"Holy shit Simon!"
"Chill out its only me." He laughed and got in with me, gently placing the creature aside.
"How are your legs feeling?"
"Much better." I lied, I just wanted him to not worry.
He smiled at me.
"It's good for drinking."
I took a sip with my hands. He was right.
"Oh Simon."
"You okay?"
I ignored his question and hugged him. I hugged him tight, running my hand through his hair and down his neck. He hugged me tighter. I felt like I've known him for years, he was so good to me, I felt like I didn't deserve his kindness towards me.
"I know we've just met but.."
"You don't have to say it." He came out of the hug and looked me in the eyes.
I kissed him on the cheek lightly.

Jacks POV~

Ralph and I were taking a stroll down the beach shore; this island really was something. Nothing I've not been to before, of course being rich and all, but this island was truly something different and unique. It was amazing, friends like roger and Maurice, all my mates and no adults to tell us what to do. And Evelyn. The only girl on the island. And was she something. She had beautiful hair that fell down her back nearly and even in these conditions it always seemed to be soft, she played with it a lot, it always seemed to be subconsciously twirled around her finger as she thought. She day dreamed alot, looking up to the sky that matched her eyes, blue as the ocean. Her cute little nose that sat upright with little freckles dotted all over it, a light blush draped across her face that scrunched up when she smiled. God that smile.
I desperately wanted her to be mine. But it looked like she was into Ralph and Simon more, the way she talked to them and smiled at them.
"So how are you feeling about the island."
I said, starting a conversation hoping it not to be awkward.
"It's fine, we'll be okay if we follow rules and be sensible."
"Yeah yeah. You've always been like that, you love rules." I smirked and pushed his arm.
"What do you think about Evelyn?"
I stopped walking. What was he trying to get out of this conversation?
"Why do you like her or something.."
"A little yeah. But you didn't answer my question, what do you think of her."
"She's okay." I lied
"You liar I see the way you stare at her."
"Okay fine. She's a stud."
I felt Ralph roll his eyes.
"I call dibs." I uttered that sentence quick.
"Nah you can't do that!"
"Can to!" I pushed him in the sand on his arm
"Ah my arm!"
Shit to far
"You okay man?" I crouched lower to assist his so called pain. It was only a tap..
What? I felt myself being pushed under the legs onto the sand.
I laughed it off though. If I was gonna make Ava mine I would have to seem like a bigger man. Where was Evelyn anyway?

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