New Home

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Benjamin wakes up to the bright sun shining in his face and he stretches, rubbing his eyes. He sees other children playing with toys, talking and small laughter. He gets out of the bed and he hears a small thump and he looks down to see his plush, Tux. He picks the toy cat up and hugs it tight. Benjamin sighs and looks at the toy cat, "At least I still have you." He looks around the room and notices a group of three children together, also with dolls like Tux and Benjamin goes over to them. He shyly waves and manages to say something, "Hello." A young girl wearing purple pajamas looked up and smiles sweetly at him, "Hi. You must be the new kid."

Another girl who had blond hair pats the floor, "Wanna play with us?" Benjamin nod and he sits down and a young boy waves, "I'm Isaac. These are  my friends Esther and Molly." Benjamin waves at them, "I'm Benjamin." Esther giggles, "Nice to meet you Benjamin." She sees the toy cat and points at it, "Who's that?" Benjamin holds the plush close, "This is Tux. My great grandmother made him for me." 

Molly points out, "Why is he wearing a skirt?" Benjamin shrugs, "I don't know, I thought it looked cool." He sees that Esther and her friends had toys of their own, "Who are they?" Esther picks up the toy rabbit, "This is Mr. Hopp." Molly picks up her panda toy and hugs it, "This is Miss Bo." Isaac picks up the tiger toy and holds it so Benjamin got a good look at it, "And this is Mr. Stripes." Benjamin giggles and sets Tux down on the floor with the other three toys, "Look Tux, new friends." 

Tux, being in his toy form, falls forward onto his belly in front of Esther and she smiles as she sits him back up and sets Mr. Hopp next to him and the four children play with their toys. Benjamin giggles and he looks around, smiling and he starts thinking, "Wow, my first day here and I already made some great friends....I don't know if Uncle John knows where I am....I hope I see him soon...I miss home...but at least I made some new friends in my new home."

The four children giggle and Esther looks at Benjamin, "Do you like playing hide n seek, Benjamin?" Benjamin gasps with glee, "My uncle John and I love playing that game. He always has a hard time finding me because he says I hide in the strangest places." They all stand up and Esther motions them to the door, "Come on, the library is big enough. Let's go there." Benjamin follows the three other children, taking their toys with them and head for the library.







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