Fixing Up

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Benjamin sits on his bed and he hugs Tux's plush body and he holds his head, "I'm so sorry Tux....I'm so so sorry." He curls in a ball, hugging the ripped doll close and he hears a familiar voice behind him and he frowns, "C'mon, it's just a toy. Get over it." Benjamin glares at Jackson, "Tux was not "just a toy!" He was my friend!" He pushes Jackson hard to the floor, making Jackson look at him in shock, and all the other kids look at him and he quickly walks out the room, carrying Tux with him.

He finds a chair in the hallway and sits down, hugging the plush tight and he looks at the head, "I don't know how to fix you...and Nana isn't here anymore to fix you either....I don't know who can..." He hears footsteps and sees Matron Ruth walking, carrying a basket of towels and she sees Benjamin crying, "What's the matter sweetheart?" She sets the basket down and touches his cheek and he shows her, "Tux is broken...and I don't know how to fix him..." Matron Ruth smiles sweetly, "My mother taught me how to sew when I was younger. Come with me young one." Benjamin holds her hand and they head to a room and she sits down in front of a sewing machine.

She holds Tux and examines him and points at his face, "Where's his other eye?" Benjamin reaches in his pocket and pulls out Tux's other button eye and gives it to her. Matron Ruth takes out the old thread and using a needle and black thread, she sews it perfectly back in place. She uses some white thread to stitch up the gash in his torso and gets some more black thread for his neck. She fixes his stuffing and positions his head to how it was and starts sewing, trying her best to match the stitching he had before. After a couple minutes, Tux was now good as new and she gives him back to Benjamin, "There. Good as new." Benjamin gasps and he hugs her tight, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Matron Ruth smiles and she hugs him and watches Benjamin hug Tux tight, tears falling down his face, "You must really care about him, don't you?" Benjamin nods, "He's all I have left. My great grandmother hand made him for me and I've had him since I was a baby....he was there for me when my mother passed away..." Matron Ruth brushes his hair gently with her hand, "I'm happy I was able to help you. Go play now, lunch will be served in a while okay?" Benjamin nods and he runs back to the room and he accidentally bumps into Isaac, seeing Esther and Molly there as well, "Oh hey guys."

Molly gasps and points at Tux while she holds Miss Bo, "You got Tux fixed." Benjamin nods, "Yeah, Matron Ruth sewed him back up. I just..." Esther touches his shoulder, "Benjamin, I honestly don't know if he'll be the same." Isaac nods, "Yeah....we don't know if....the Entity took his life for good or not." Benjamin looks down, " least he's back in one piece." He hugs the plush cat tight, and smiles at his friends and they go to play.






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