Summer home part 3

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by squirrelflightgirl 

"Benjamin! Wake up!" I rolled over in my sleep and found Catherine Hale shaking me gently. I snapped up.

"Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly. A smile was playing on Catherine's lips.

"No. Nothing is wrong. Just get up, put on some cloths and follow me! Its a bit chilly outside so wear a sweatshirt." I got out of bed and pulled on a pair of black sweatpants and a white sweatshirt I had gotten at Virginia Beach, then followed Catherine out the door. There was a flicker of light coming from around the side of the house. 

"Go over there! I'll be inside." Catherine whispered in my ear, pushing me forward. I crept around the side of the house and saw Erica sitting at a small fire staring into the dancing flames. I slowly approached the fire and stood next to where Erica sat. 

"Can I join you?" I asked her quietly. She turned around, pretending to notice me for the first time, although I was quite sure that she knew I was there since Catherine had brought me out. 

"Sit with me." she grabbed my hand and pulled me onto her lap. 

"Since when have you been so sweet?" 

"Don't ever call me sweet." she said with a hint of amusement in her voice, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me into her chest. The warm flames danced in our eyes.

"Ben- can I ask you something?" she whispered. 

"Always. You can trust me." I shifted slightly so I could see Erica's face. 

"I have really big emotional problems so no questions. I don't want you to question this or make me regret it." she yanked me out of the chair and stood to face me. 

"One last thing." she said solemnly. "grandpa would kill me if he knew about this, so nobody finds out- or I kill you." then she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. 

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