Firework 2

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(Ben p.o.v.)

"Come on" Erica said yanking me hard so I would follow her as in she dragged me.

We "figured" out the location of the "bomb" and Erica was excited to defuse the bomb. Erica figured out the location so it seemed more of a real mission hunt.

Plan was it was on top of Washington Monument. I would make up an excuse of why it would be wide in the open if needed. Cyrus would be watching us through a van and the others got released off the mission cause we didn't need them so they are going to be the guards we have to fight. Then it turns into a firework and I ask my question. 

Since we had to pretend this was a real mission for the sake of this half prank I tried to gear myself up and miserably failed. 

"Um...Erica I need some help with putting some of these on me" I said trying to clip the pepper spray and my gun where they needed to go. 

Erica sighed an annoyed sigh. She came over to me. I blushed at the fact of how close and gentle she was. She was really close to me and very gentle with helping me. "It is as easy as that" Erica muttered to me.

We walked to the door. It was 11:00 p.m. I opened the door for Erica as she smiled and I walked after her. I then realized we're in December and almost June and I forgot my coat. Oh am I screwed.

"Go grab your jacket" Erica demanded as I started to shiver. I ran back as Erica followed me saying" Each second we waste for you is a second off our time for defusing the bomb. So, if the bomb blows up it's your fault"

"Don't worry" I replied. It's just a few fireworks and it isn't actually going to blow things up. So, it won't actually impact the world except to put more love in it.

Wait...that's way to cheesy. I'm just gonna stop talking in my head and grab my coat and run before Erica rips me to pieces. 

I grabbed my coat and ran as fast as possible back to Erica. 

Erica hot wired a car and we started to drive as in Erica started to drive at an insanely high speed while I was on the verge of throwing up while she was having the time of her life. Erica blew past every red light which I was not thrilled but we got to the Washington Monument within 2 minutes.

We got out. "Ok grandpa where is the bomb here" Erica whispered through her ear piece. 

"It's at the top, on the roof. You decide how you guys want to get up there" Cyrus replied.

I looked to Erica. "Do you want to grapple or walk through the monument " I asked her. 

Erica sighed like I was an idiot. I knew what she wanted to do but I still asked her. Erica then grinned telling me the answer. "Grapple. Isn't it obvious " Erica laughed. I smiled st her.

We grappled up. Erica grappled up easily. I kept on almost falling but each time Erica caught me while she was smiling. After a very intense 10 minutes we made it up just to be attacked. 

"Ben hide. I can take care of these agents" Erica hissed to me. I nodded and hid away from the agents as if it were a real mission.

I saw Erica best Jawa, Alexander, Catherine, Zoe, Mike and Chip up. They all went pretty easy but not to easy besides Alexander. He didn't have to try to go easy cause he was knocked out in a heartbeat and his combat skills are worse then mine. 

Once the others were on the floor I saw Erica take all of their guns. "You can come out now Ben" Erica said. I heard a hint of laughter in her voice. 

I walked over to Erica and when I walked past Catherine on the ground she gave me a thumbs up as I smiled. "Erica it's in the north corner" Cyrus said.

"Roger that" Erica whispered back. We went over to the "bomb" and Erica examined it. I slightly turned my head when Erica wasn't paying attention and saw the others video taping this. "Grandpa I have never seen a bomb like this " 

"Send me a photo" Cyrus replied. Erica nodded and whispered yes through the ear piece. Erica took a photo and sent it to Cyrus.

"Ben come over here" Erica said. I nodded and walked right next to her. "The timer has 45 minutes left"

I sat down and pretended to look at the "bomb". 

"Erica honey I have never seen this before. Ever" Cyrus said. Erica seemed to start to stress.

"We have 30 minutes now" Erica said looking st the timer. 

"I'm sorry cupcake but your on your own with Ben on this one" Cyrus said. "There's no way for me to help"

"Ok" Erica replied. She turned her ear piece off and mine. She turned and looked st me. Her eyes glowing and sad at the same time somehow. "Just you and me Ripley" 

We spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to defuse this. But, I kept fixing things after Erica destroyed them so there will still be fireworks. "15 minutes and we've gotten no where" Erica groaned.  

It was silent for like 2 minutes. "Erica do you like me" I asked.

Erica shot me an ice cold glare. "We might blow up and that's the question you ask" I didn't reply.

She walked over the other side of the room and sat on the ledge. I went and sat next to her. 

I motioned for the others to back away from the fireworks. 

Erica and I sat in silence till she spoke. "Ben you know how I invited you to the Spy school roof for tonight" Erica asked.

"Yeah" I replied. 

Erica sighed "Well, I didn't know we had a bomb to defuse. Also, I uh... wanted it to be just you and me sort of like an unofficial date" Erica looked uncomfortable with what she was about to say. "Um...uh...I...uh wanted be the one to be kissing you when it strikes midnight but now we will probably be exploding. wanted to kiss you. Cause... you know what people say. The person you kiss on New Years is the one meant for you" 

(I'm sorry if this isn't true. It's what I have grown up hearing)

"It's ok" I said. "Actually I wanted to be able to be there with you, kissing you"

Erica smiled and started shivering. She had a thin coat on. I gave her my coat and held her tight for extra warmth. 

We sat there until we started counting down. I was counting down for New Year's and the fireworks while Erica was counting down for the time she's gonna blow up.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2... I leaned in and kissed her when we hit 1. The fireworks went off exploding ice blue fireworks. It represents her eyes. The fireworks went into a heart shape.

Erica deepened the kiss as much as she could. I felt her arms around my neck as I held her around her waist. 

We pulled away.

"Ben was this all a set up" Erica asked. I nodded. "I didn't suspect a thing. Thank you for the wonderful surprise"

The others came out and Erica was even more shocked. Erica looked up at me and kissed me. I could tell it melted Catherine's heart with happiness. 

"I hope you liked it" I smiled.

"I loved it" Erica replied. "And I love you"

"I love you" I replied.

"Thank you Ben. For being so great" Erica smiled the cutest smile on earth.

"1 more thing Erica" I asked. I breathed in trying to relax myself. "Will you be my girlfriend" I saw Erica's ears perk up and we both were grinning like idiots.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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