Fire at the Taijitu Temple

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BR33Z3's log
Entry No.1414
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The day started normally enough. Jasmine was giving Br4ck3t the silent treatment again, though that was hardly unusual; ever since he was chosen by the Yin spirit, she's had a very strained relationship with us. I can't understand it, even with my growing intelligence- we haven't killed anyone yet! Plus, Yin and Yang are supposed to work together to form Taijitu...aren't they?

Time for the chase. I reminded myself, rising from my nest on two strong, hawk-like legs. I flexed one purplish-grey toe at a time, relishing the sensation my jet-black claws gave as they scratched against twigs. I could snap that into tiny pieces...but I have work to do.

Gliding down to Br4ck3t's head, air whistling through teal feathers before doubling back, flapping away from snapping jaws and razor-sharp claws, leading my companion out-among the trees now- pointed, silvery spider-limbs carrying the sickly ginger ball of fuzz after me...

Darkened eyes snapped open, green pupils dilating as they recognized me. The ascent jolted to a halt.

"What...I didn't do it again, did I?"
"I'm used to it. We'll be fine."
"Hmm." He didn't sound convinced, but allowed me to lead him back towards the temple so we could break our nightly fast.

I watched him between shocks of iced coffee; he didn't notice. Living in the moment. Good. Wish I could do the same. I groaned softly, sinking my  fangs into a mango. This exchange wasn't meant to be so painful, but I wouldn't sacrifice my new sentience for anything...

A light tap on my shoulder- Midnight. The young bat swallowed a mouthful of grape, opening his mouth to speak, but I cut him off before he could say a word.

"I'm fine. Just thinking about how I got here, that's all."
"What was your life like? know."
I flinched. "Have you learned nothing in your time here? NEVER ask one of us that question. Got it?"

He nodded meekly, returning to his grapes. Long black tail curled around a branch, four leathery wings folded neatly on a short-furred obsidian back, large ears flattened against the clatter of a hundred jaws crunching through food...even I had to admit that the fruit bat had a humble kind of beauty to him.

Later, while cleaning the stables, I left Fleck and Br4ck3t for a moment and sought the four-winged shadow flitting around us.


He kept scrubbing at the ceiling, but his ears did perk up slightly.

"I'm...sorry. About earlier, I mean. You didn't know, did you?"

A shake of the head.

"Will you forgive me?"

His face broke into a broad grin. "Of course I will! Do you forgive me? I realize that question must have been..."
"It's fine. I'm guessing you don't mind me asking how you met Fleck?"
"There's not much to tell, really." He replied, with a squeaking laugh. "I was having a nap, then he happened to have a snooze on the branch above me. We woke at about the same time, struck up conversation, and the rest is history."

Kind of like Br4ck3t and I, then. I mused, returning to my own task. I wonder how things would have turned out under happier circumstances? I shook my head, refocusing myself. No, don't think like that. You can't change the past, only learn from it. Actually, you shouldn't be thinking at all. You're only supposed to guard Br4ck3t's conscience...

Fleck gave me a toothy grin, and I tried to smile in return. If only we could look forward to a future as bright as theirs! To fuse not just your bodies, but your minds as well... we could be so strong together. One mind, two voices. 

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