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I drowned in your eyes,
Choked on my words.
You bewitched me with that damn smile.
That's when I knew I wanted nothing but to be yours.


Winter had come around and the powdery snow had made the Hogwarts ground a winter fairytale.
I was sitting comfortably in the common room, admiring the roaring fire in the fireplace, trying to keep myself warm.

"Elaine!" A high-pitched voice squealed, making me caught me off guard.

Pansy's eyes were sparkly, excitement hidden in them.

"What?" I asked, a little startled by her sudden outburst.
Her lips formed into a thin line before she squealed again, making me squint my eyes.

"Guess who asked me to the Yuleball!" He exclaimed excitedly.
I let out a low chuckle, already knowing the answer.

"Blaise did!" She squealed before I could even answer.

"That's great Pansy!" I exclaimed, trying to seem surprised, even though everyone could see the chemistry the two had.

I gave her a genuine hug, before sitting by the fireplace again.

"What about you? Have you gotten a date yet?" The raven-haired girl asked hopefully.

I glanced at her quickly before returning my attention to the fire.

"I don't think I'm going," I said lowly, making Pansy slap my head gently.

"What! You have to go!" She yelled, confusion plastered across her face, yet an amused expression could be found on her lips.

"I just don't think it's my thing. Besides, I have way too much going on, I haven't even figured out what to do with that rotten egg" I sighed frustrated. Pansy's eyes became more gentle before she spoke up again.

"El, you actually have to go.. it's kind of a package deal being a tri-wizard champion" she told me honestly. My eyes widened at her statement.

"What! No one told me that" I angrily said.
Pansy let out a low chuckle.

"It's the only reason we're having a yuleball" she said, making my pale cheeks burn a rosy red.

Suddenly our conversation was interrupted when three Slytherin boys entered the common room.

"Hi boys," Pansy said playfully, making Blaise's cheeks turn a light pink color.

"Hello there" Theo exclaimed, flipping down on one of the big couches. Draco and Blaise quietly doing the same.

"You're a lucky man Blaise" I winked at him, making him smile an awkward smile.

"Why?" Draco asked unbothered, yet a hint of curiosity lingered in his normally monotone voice.

"Because Pansy and I are going to the Yuleball" Blaise said proudly, flashing a charming smile to the raven-haired girl.

Draco scoffed lightly, shaking his head in amusement.

We all decided to ignore him, knowing that this was normal behavior for the blonde.

"So, who are you going with?" Theo asked me, breaking the quiet atmosphere in the dark green common room.

"Why is everyone asking that!" I exclaimed a little more harshly than I intended to.

Aching Hearts // Draco Malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now