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Reverse the time
Back to the people who we used to be
Take us back
Let us meet,


As the weeks went on and the air got colder, I had officially gained Voldemort's trust.

It was dreadful being in the same manor as the witch who killed my godfather, but I knew I would get revenge somehow, someday.

The dark mark was aching day and night, and I knew they were watching, therefore making it extremely complicated to talk about the plan with Draco.

We had decided not to spend much time together, considering the risk of getting caught.
It was almost unbearable being in the big cold manor without any familiarity, especially not being able to see Draco, but I would survive, somehow I always managed to do.

The only time we really spoke was at the many meetings the deatheaters had, and then not even.
Of course they knew Draco and I were an item, but that didn't mean they liked it.

Lucius - Draco's father, absolutely hated me and my presence.
Mostly because I wasn't a pureblood, but I think deep down the real reason was he knew I could destroy them all in a matter of seconds.

I spend day and night in my room, planning, crying, and grieving.
I wondered how my family and friends felt, with me, you know, being "dead".

Fortunately it was almost time to escape.
The plan was simple, yet so incredibly complicated.

As I had gained their trust, I would go hunting for the golden trio, more importantly - Harry Potter.

They wouldn't suspect me being a traitor due to the task the dark lord had given me.

As I went "hunting" Draco would come to assist me, making him escape too.

We would attend school as normally, not making them suspect anything, but still giving them the idea that we were hunting the golden trio.

School was starting in a couple of days, and I imagined it would be a shock for me to walk through the train as everyone had thought I had died.

Of course we wouldn't actually give any thought to the school, or homework for that matter.
We were undercover, not for the deatheaters, not for Harry, but for ourselves.

Simple was never the right term to use, because god it was complicated.


The day had come where we had to go back to Hogwarts - escaping, really.

I wore a sleek feminine black suit, matching Draco's more masculine type.
My hair was sleeked back, and my eyeshadow dark.

I knew I couldn't look like my usual self, due to the whole deatheater situation, but I didn't really mind considering the fact that this look didn't look half bad on me.

I could feel my stomach turn in nervousness as we left the manor.
Draco intertwined his fingers with mine, probably being nervous himself.

We got to the train where students were roaming around.
I couldn't imagine bringing my child back to Hogwarts after last year, but the parents didn't seem to mind.
Even though everything seemed as normal, a dark gloomy atmosphere surrounded the once bright and happy students.

Aching Hearts // Draco Malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now