Record store

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It was a extremely hot Sunday afternoon, and Camilla and Max Locke were spending their day in Diagon alley

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It was a extremely hot Sunday afternoon, and Camilla and Max Locke were spending their day in Diagon alley.
All around them, witches and wizards buzzed around, carrying towers of books, quidditch brooms and brand new robes.
Cam was immensely stressed, as she still had about five things on her list, and had to meet her dad at Madam Malkins robes in an hour. Max was running to keep up with her, as she shouted orders at the thirteen year old boy.
"Pass me your list!"
"Thanks - okay - Max you DO NOT need a frog!"
"That's it" the girl huffed " we are splitting up. Meet us in a hour at the robe store. Don't be late or dad will kill me. Understood?"

"Yes Cam, I first need- " Max looked up, but his sister was already gone.

Camilla walked swiftly down the long cobbled streets, looking at all the slanted shops and large signs. Today she had decided to wear her favorite mini skirt, with her nirvana baby tee and converse. It felt like she was going in circles, where the hell was the book store?
She eventually stopped and asked a kind looking women on the street, who gave her directions. Camilla thanked her and headed off, cursing herself for wasting precious time.

A large sign indicated she was at her destination, and Camilla headed into flourish and blotts. There were shelves and shelves of books, some flapping and some - growling?
All she needed was level 5 charms , and wuthering heights. She had a long train ride tomorrow, so obviously she needed a book.
Mr Blotts quickly helped the brunette find what she needed, and she payed quickly and left.

20 mins later, Cam had surprisingly got all her shopping done, except for robes, which her dad would help with. Camilla ended up wandering the streets, looking into the decorated windows and making mental notes to come back. The sun was becoming hotter than ever, and she felt the need to get under some shade. She spotted a small cobbled pathway that seemed empty, and wandered towards it, as it seemed to be blocking the sun. There were a few little shops lining the pathway, but nothing really caught her eye. A group of excited first years passed her, all chatting animatedly shot Hogwarts.

Camilla turned to her left, where stood the only shop that didn't have a window display in diagon alley. It was dark and looked empty, but the sign outside suggested otherwise.
Cam walked up the wooden door, and saw that there was a little plaque attached to it. She squinted her eyes to be able to see the tiny writing, which read 'empire records'.
No. Fucking. Way.
There was a record store in diagon alley!?

The girl excitedly pushed open the door, and walked into a rather small but very full shop. Records were hung from the ceiling to floor, stacks of albums neatly organized in different shelves. Camilla marvelled at the amount, and couldn't believe her luck.
She walked over to the section labelled rock, and started going through the vinyls.
Cam spotted the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and many of her other favorites. Her ( very chipped ) black painted nails sorted through the different artists, and she picked out a fleetwood Mac album that she didn't own.

The stores door creaked open, but Camilla, who was now in her own world, didn't even notice. If she had enough money, she'd probably buy the entire collection.
A boy around her age strolled in, his dark green eyes scanning the store. He, like every other time, headed towards the section that included nirvana, knowing exactly which album he wanted to find.
The boy stopped suddenly, when he noticed Camilla, standing in his section. No one ever went into this store, and there she was, going through his favorite records.

"I like your shirt"
Cam looked up suddenly, to see a dark haired boy standing across the isle.

"Oh, thanks" she replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "I like it too."

The boy, not that she'd ever admit it, was beautiful. His sharp jawline and piercing features seemed to be sculpted perfectly. But he wasn't her type. She could tell that he was egotistical, just by his manner.

Camilla went back to the records, but Sirius Black had other plans.
"I've got to ask you" he said smoothly, looking at her with a teasing expression "are you one of those people who wear band shirts of artists they don't listen too? I just can't imagine Nirvana being your cup of tea."

Camilla sighed, and looked up at him with narrowed eyes.
"God, you've just met me, I've uttered one word to you and already your making assumptions?"
Sirius looked at the girl, slightly taken aback
"Do you really think I'd be in this record store, going through rock music if I didn't listen to it?"

Sirius Black smiled his famous smile


Camilla picked up her chosen records and paced over to the counter, feeling the eyes of that boy on her back. She payed quickly and was about to head out the door, when a deep voice interrupted her

"I like you"

Cam turned around, to see the stupid prick of a human being grinning at her.

"You don't even know me" Camilla muttered, her eyebrows sketched into a frown. The sound of the buzzing street now filtered into the record store, as she was still holding the door open.

"Well, Maybe I'd like too" clarified Sirius , running a hand through his messy hair

And with that, Camilla Locke turned around, walked out of the shop, and slammed the door, before heading back down diagon alley.

Sirius black, Remus Lupin, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew all sat together in diagon alleys ice cream store, enjoying their chocolate sundaes.
"You wouldn't believe how fast the chaser 60 60 goes Sirius" James expressed, while spooning a large helping of ice cream into his mouth
"My mom said I'd be able to get one for my birthday! Wicked right?"
"Sirius, buddy, I'm going to need more passion than that. I just bloody told you I'm getting a chaser 60 60!"

"What's up padfoot?" Asked Remus, concern laced into his tone

"Oh God, it's stupid honestly, but I think" Sirius frowned. " I think I just got .. rejected?"

"Your kidding" squeaked Peter, placing his ice cream spoon down

"I though this day would never come!" James rejoiced, earning a stern look from Remus

"Who was it?"

"random girl from the record store."

"That doesn't sound to bad mate." Said Remus, who was now fishing for cash in his wallet

"Yeah, but she was.. actually kind of cool? And when I told her, she walked out of the store."

After hearing this, James burst out laughing, and tears started rolling down his sunburnt checks.

"That girl" he splutterd, holding his chest "is my hero."

"Thanks prongs. Always the one to cheer me up."

"You'll get over it Sirius" James laughed "half the year wants to go out with you. Just pick one of them."

Sirius looked up at James in mock disbelief. "James Potter, the entire year wants to go out with me. Get your facts straight."

"Yeah yeah" James muttered, passing his empty glass to the waiter.

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