13 | A Little R&R

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"Shut up evans your not picking" Anthony turned around from his spot on the floor and scowled at Chris as he tried to yet again make the small group of actors watch a Disney movie.

Chris just rolled his eyes at him sinking back into the couch pulling the blanket over himself. Naomi finally walked back into the room struggling to balance the three bowls of popcorn she was carrying. Dodger looked up at the buttery smell, standing up to walk over to Naomi only to be told to sit back down by Chris. "Sorry dodge you have a mean dad" Naomi whispered down to the fluffy animal with a smile.

Scarlett quickly got up from her spot beside Sebastian and moved towards Naomi, taking the two top Bowls handing one down to Mackie on the floor. And taking the other back with her to the couch for her and Seb to share. Naomi thanked her as she sat down beside Chris on the opposite couch frowning when she realised he'd taken up the whole blanket.

She scooted closer, as Anthony asked Scarlett and Sebastian what they wanted to watch. Naomi handed the bowl to Chris and lifted the blanket so it was half on her and half on him. Chris's arm fell to the back of the couch and he placed the popcorn bowl snuggly between their two touching legs.

"Mackie stop being so picky and just pick a movie" Scarlett quietly groaned as Anthony picked faults at every movie either her or Seb suggested. Naomi couldn't help but smile at her bickering friends as they all sat spread out around her living room.

After a particularly long and tedious day of filming they had all decided it would be nice to have a quiet movie night. Something they did quite often as a group.

Eventually a movie was decided on and everyone got settled watching in a comfortable silence that was every now and then disrupted by the ruffle of a hand diving into a popcorn bowl.

Naomi hadn't realised how loud the movie had been turned up to until a certain blonde haired boy stumbled into the room clutching a stuffed turtle under his arm, looking a lot more awake then when she'd tucked him in nearly two hours ago. "Momma, I don't wanna sleep"
Zach mumbled walking further into the room, as much as she should have told him off for getting up she was a little proud that he managed to open the bedroom door and walk all the way down the hall by himself.

Anthony turned around to look up at Naomi, "can he come and sit with us?" He asked, Naomi nodded she knew Zach got major fomo when she had friends around. It had been just the two of them for a while and he didn't like to share his mom. So instead of forcing him to sleep which Naomi knew he wouldn't, she let him stay up he'd eventually fall asleep anyways and then she would carry him to his bed.

At the green light from Naomi Anthony turned back around to face Zach opening his arms "come sit with uncle Mackie zachy boy" he grinned towards Zach but was blatantly ignored as soon as the almost two year old boy spotted his new best friend.

Zach found his turbo snail blanket, taking it and his stuffed turtle over to the dog. He sat down beside dodger and shared the blanket with him, or at least he tried to his arms weren't exactly long enough to stretch the blanket over dodger fully. He then laid down resting his head only the fluffy stomach of dodger.

"You just got rejected for a dog" Sebastian chuckled
"not much of an 'uncle' now are you Mack attack" Sebastian mocked Anthony's previous choice of words. Anthony rolled his eyes and shook his head "Don't be jealous seabass just because you don't have the uncle title"

Naomi laughed "you don't even have the uncle title you gave it to yourself"

"Whatever you all know Zach likes me the best" at the sound of his name Zach looks up at Anthony, before looking back to the tv.

"Sure he does" Scarlett mumbled sounding completely unimpressed and bored with Anthony and Sebastian's bickering. It was then that Zach himself also got annoyed with the bickering as he shushed everyone.

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