23 | Craving Marshmallows

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A/n: all manips made by me ;)



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The three best friends had spent the day together all in Sinead's apartment catching up, it had been a while since they were all together. After the long day the trio had cooked dinner together and were now sat full around Sinead's coffee table playing a game of uno while still chatting about anything and everything that came to mind.

"Do you have any marshmallows around? I've been craving them all week" Naomi asked throwing down her blue card, both mason and Sinead looked at each other before Turing to Naomi with questioning looks on their faces.

"What? Are we boycotting marshmallows or something?"

"Naomi are you late?" Sinead asked, slowly putting down her card for her go, "no, I don't think so" Naomi frowned not really understanding why Sinead was asking her such a question. It's wasn't until that moment when she counted it up in her head and realised she was in fact just over a week late. "Actually now that you say it" she mumbled as mason took her go throwing down a pick up four card. Naomi scoffed and picked up four cards.

"Marshmallows were the one thing you craved when you were pregnant with Zach" mason stated from the opposite side of the able.

"No, I'm not pregnant it's probably just a coincidence. I've been travelling a lot that's probably why I'm late..and I've always had a sweet tooth" Naomi argued the two points the girls had tried to make. Though she sounded more like she was trying to convince herself rather than mason and Sinead.

Mason shrugged "alright if you say so, but you did also say earlier that you've been feeling nauseous recently" she added on to the small list of arguments. Though that small list was now enough to plant a seed of doubt just big enough for Naomi to worry over.

As they carried on the game, Naomi became lost deeper and deeper in her thoughts. Eventually she was lost enough for Sinead to notice. "Ni do you wanna take a test I've got some in the bathroom?"

Naomi looked up and nodded and with that the game of uno was over. The three women all stood up and made their way over to the bathroom walking inside. Sinead dug though the bottom cabinet finding three pregnancy tests tucked away at the back. She handed them over to Naomi, "take all three just to be sure"

Sinead and mason left the room as Naomi peed on each of the sticks, once she was done she reopened the door and let the two girls back inside.

"Ya know if you are pregnant that baby is going to be the cutest thing to ever exist, you and Chris merged together is just perfect gene central" mason rambled as she walked into the bathroom, Naomi let out a hushed chuckle as Sinead just rolled her eyes.

"I must say you don't look as stressed as you did last time we were in this bathroom taking a test" Sinead commented as Naomi hoisted herself up onto the bathroom counter to sit and wait for the tests to give their results.

"Well Chris wants kids so I'm not to worried about him screaming bloody murder at me if I am" Naomi admitted, casually referring to the toxicity of her last relationship like it was any other normal thing. Sinead frowned at her not liking when she joked about how badly she was treated. Naomi just smiled a sorry smile apologising silently to her friend.

The three girls fell into a comfortable silence as they're waited all scrolling through their phones looking at whatever, Sinead sat on the toilet with the seat down, mason sat on the edge of the bath. Now they were silent they could hear Zach and Harrison playing together in the other room, the sound of their dinosaur growls echoing through the apartment.

After another six minutes, mason looked at the time on her phone before tucking it into her back pocket "how long do you have to wait for them to show" she asked realising just how long they'd been sat in the bathroom.

"Umm ten minutes"

"It's been thirteen" mason added, standing up from her spot to move over to the counter with Sinead and Naomi. The three woman looked down at the three sticks, all three showing two lines.

Naomi's mouth dropped, before a huge smile quickly replaced her shock. "Oh my god" she muttered turning to her friends who were waiting to see her reaction before they made there's. Upon seeing the blondes overly happy smile they wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Oh Ni I'm so happy for you" Sinead mused kissing Naomi's cheek as they pulled back from the hug. "I call godmother" mason quickly stated.
"Your already Zach's godmother it's my turn" Sinead argued back with a playful frown.

While the two argued over who the godmother would be, Zach and Harrison had made their way out of the room they were playing in and found the best friends huddled in the bathroom.

"Why are you having a bathroom party?" Harrison asked, catching the attention of the three women, laughter erupting from all of them.



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@masonbridger: don't lie like that

@username1: the best friend group out there

@username2: they are the exception to the three person friend group rule, this one actually works

@username3: their all so cute

@sineaddevries: you love us really so don't even

@anthonymackie: it's my goal in life to be invited to one of your little girls days
@naomidevon: aww Mackie Come to New York with your kids and we can all hang out again

@username4: gorgeous gorgeous girls

• • •

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