25 | Hear Him Out

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A/n: all manips made by me :) also your getting a double update today since their both kinda small parts.


Two weeks had gone by since Valentine's Day and Chris had headed to LA for his next movie. Opting to leave dodger behind, not wanting to move him away from a new place he'd just settled into. In those weeks Chris had been gone they had both been sending each other different houses either they'd found on a website or ones their realtor had found.

It had only taken a few days before they had fallen in love with a townhouse, that was located on the end of a row. With a garden twice the size of a normal townhouse. Perfect for dogs and children. It was close to a good school for Zach and the brewing baby Evans and there were four bedrooms across three floors. The house ticked every single box Chris and Naomi had and more.

Today however wasn't a day for house hunting, an offer had been made and the only thing left to do was wait. What better way to do that then to going to the aquarium with your two brothers who happened to be in town.


Instagram story posted by Naomi:

Instagram story posted by Naomi:

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Seeing Benny and Zach together was more like seeing two brothers running around causing havoc wherever they went, rather than an uncle and his nephew. Don't get it wrong though Zach thought both Carter and Benny were "fun" uncles, but Benny he just seemed to click with better.

While Benny whisked Zach around stopping to press their faces against any and all glass exhibits they passed by. Naomi and Carter were walking slowly behind, Naomi pushing along the stroller which held both hers and Zach's bags.

"Hey Um I've been meaning to tell you, uh dads been asking about you a lot and I kind of let it slip about baby" Carter quietly said turning to give Naomi an apologetic look as she shot him a frown.

"Tell him to fuck off" Naomi spat out through a forced smile as she heard Zach yelling her name while pointing at a sting ray gracefully moving over his head.

Carter's brows knit together as he spoke "I know, but hear me out please". Naomi shook her head, her blonde hair moving from resting on her shoulders to fall down her back. "If your going to try and convince me to talk to them it's not going to work. They did what they did and I made my peace with that years ago"

"Not them. Moms been living at her friends house the last two months. Dad kicked her out, I think he's finally had enough of her drinking like we all have" Carter explained knowing that Naomi didn't want to hear what he had to say.

Which was right, Naomi didn't want to know. she'd given up on the hopes of her parents talking to her again long ago. She'd tried to hold onto the hope of them being the grandparents she'd had growing up for Zach, but after his first birthday with no card or text she quickly lost that hope.

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