24 | Valentines Day

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A/n: all manips made by me <3
Here's another update because I love this part and I couldn't keep it to myself for another week.


Chris put Zach down on the bed, handing him the bear to give to his mother. "Go on then bud wake her up" he said holding the balloon and roses in his arms. Zach nodded leaving the bear beside him as he used both hands to shake his mom awake.

"Momma, wake up wake up we got presents for you" he called loudly as naomi stirred bringing her hands up to rub her face, before she opened her eyes and smiled at the two boys.

"Good morning to you too zach" she teased pulling him into a hug kissing all over the top of his head as he giggled. Chris laughed at the pair as Zach wriggled out of Naomi's grip, he then picked back up the bear and handed it to Naomi with a big grin on his face.

"Happy V-Va." Zach struggled out not knowing how to pronounce the word "Valentine's Day" Chris finished off when the boy looked to him for help. Naomi smiled taking the bear from Zach and hopping him on the nose with it before reaching out to Chris pulling him over for a quick kiss. Zach covered his eyes quickly "yuck"

"Happy Valentine's Day boys"



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Naomi put the roses into a vase in the kitchen after eating breakfast and getting ready. Zach who had been following her around all day, looked up at them and nodded, "they look good" he approved. Naomi let out a chuckle as she leant down and picked him up.

"I think it's time i give you your present" Naomi said giving him a light squeeze as she rested him on her hip. "I get one?" He asked with an excited smile on his face.

"Of course you do, you'll always be my valentine" she said kissing his head, before she took him over to the other side of the kitchen. Sitting him down on the counter as she pulled open the cupboard and took out a red box with a pink bow on top.

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