Cowboy at Heart

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Bellamy Blake liked challenges. And the twelve hundred pound beast between his legs was definitely a challenge. He grinned like Lucifer grinned when he fell from heaven. Banthos, the muscular, hot-headed Irish Warmblood, had his muscles coiled tight and was dancing side to side in anxious anticipation. He snorted and pawed at the ground in great sweeps.

Bellamy ran a calm hand across the horse's neck and spoke softly to him. Banthos immediately stopped prancing and flicked his ears back, listening quietly. The fur beneath his hand was hot and sticky with sweat. They had just finished their course and Banthos wanted more. Bellamy wanted more. The thrill, the adrenaline, the rush of jumping one of the most powerful animals, was what attracted him to the sport in the first place. Banthos was his horse, a horse that he put his entire life savings into, a horse that he trusted with his life.

"Kane, raise the oxer to five feet!" Bellamy shouted from across the arena. Banthos, suddenly alerted, shot up his head and reared slightly. Marcus Kane, Bellamy's trainer and father, smiled as he shook his head and walked over to adjust the single jump. His father wasn't the most prestigious instructor, not like Thelonious Jaha from Phoenix Farms, but he was known for his no bullshit riding and not sweating the small stuff. He was a rough rider.

Once Kane had walked away, Bellamy edged Banthos into a powerful, rocking canter - with only some difficulty. The stallion was about as wild as they came, but if you rode him just right, he looked like a million dollar, push-button warmblood. And Bellamy wouldn't accept anything less than perfection. As they cantered past the stands, he noticed a crowd beginning to form; a crowd mostly of awestruck teenage girls. Being one of only a few male equestrians definitely had its perks.

Bellamy and Banthos galloped around the corner. His horse tossed his head and threw up his front legs, snorting. "Easy boy, easy." He soothed, closing his legs around Banthos's wide girth. Bellamy loosened his hold on the reins slightly, allowing for the warmblood to stretch his neck and make collection easier.

They were now coming down the center of the arena, hard and fast. Banthos snorted and pricked his ears forward, chomping at the bit, desperate to go faster. However, if they galloped any faster they would run past the distance and straight into the wide oxer. Bellamy deepened his seat and, in response, Banthos flicked his tail angrily, not appreciating the added weight.

"You need to collect him more, your canter is too flat and you'll knock a rail!" Kane instructed from the center of the arena. Bellamy grinded his teeth and did what he was told - with reluctance.

The jump came up fast. One stride, two stride, three stride...

Banthos lifted his knees and his haunches coiled. He catapulted himself into the air with powerful leg muscles, completing a perfect ark over the blue and white oxer.

Granted, he over jumped the jump by about a foot.

Bellamy rocked backwards and pushed his hands into Banthos's neck. And for a moment - they were flying with Bellamy grinning like a love struck idiot.

They landed easily, perfectly - which of course led Banthos to buck excitedly like a rodeo bronco. The monster, the nearly uncontrollable beast, was rearing, snorting, hopping up and down like he was on oats with a double shot of crazy. Bellamy, Bellamy was laughing like an irrational cowboy, not even attempting to calm his horse. He let Banthos have his fun and waited out his little happy dance. He heard the girls at the fence whispering excitedly, while some of the parents and trainers that had stopped by to watch only shouted out their criticisms.

Figures. Spoiled children equal stuck up, prissy, arrogant parents. None of them knew how to ride. None of them understood what it meant to give up everything for something you loved.

Once Banthos had calmed down, Bellamy loosened the reins and quietly walked to the center of the arena. Kane was smiling wickedly.

"Quite the show you put on there." He chuckled.

"Needed to teach these over-privileged kids what a real jumper duo looks like." Bellamy replied and petted Banthos on the neck. His horse exhaled as if agreeing with his owner. Kane snorted and reached out to stroke Banthos on the nose.

"I'm sure I'll hear about this little incident from Jaha. Probably pissed him off because we're ruining his 'show environment' and reputation."

Bellamy rolled his eyes. "Thelonious can suck my jumper ass."

Marcus Kane slapped his son on the thigh, whether in approval or disapproval, Bellamy didn't know. "Go get your horse cooled down and meet me in my office when you're done. Your sister is looking at a new horse today."

Bellamy didn't argue. He would make sure Banthos was cleaned and cooled properly before putting him away. Unlike some of the richer barns, Walden Farms didn't supply its own grooms or mucking stuff, the riders did everything themselves. Bellamy doubted that the younger girls even knew what a bit, martingale or, for that matter, a pitchfork, even was.

As Bellamy walked out of the arena, he noticed a particular blonde striding past the arena and walking towards the Phoenix barns. Her long, wheat colored hair was mused and her expensive helmet was secured firmly at her waist by her arm. She walked with the confidence that only money and self-assurance could give.

Bellamy urged Banthos in the opposite direction, but not before appreciating how well Clarke Griffin looked in her breeches and tall, black boots. He had only spoken a few words with her and had seen her ride only a couple of times. Bellamy Blake had come to the conclusion that she was more trouble than she was worth. For now, he would stick with the Walden and Arcadia girls. He didn't need another stuck up bitch in his life - he wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Clarke Griffin was the type of girl that would break your heart and then go cry to daddy that she needed a new, million dollar horse to compensate for her heartbreak.

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