House Parties

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Clarke normally never put on this much makeup or this much perfume, but going to an upscale house party required such things. She had dusted her eyes with a neutral eye shadow and darkened her blonde lashes with black mascara, making her already blue eyes appear bluer. Preferring not to get lipstick on everything or everyone, Clarke left her lips bare. She felt more natural that way - less of mask to hide behind.

Clarke took one last glance in the full length mirror. The black dress she wore hugged nearly every curve of her body. Other than that, the dress wasn't too revealing. It was a long sleeved lace dress that covered her cleavage and hugged her lower thighs nicely. The silver Louis Vuitton heels she was wearing made her sculpted legs look even better.

Thank God for horseback riding.

All those hours of flat work and jumping without stirrups really paid off. It paid off in the form of toned legs and a nice butt. What better way to show it off then in a Dolce&Cabbana cocktail dress?

Clarke quickly left her bedroom, but not before grabbing her father's watch from her vanity. Grabbing her clutch, she clasped on the watch as she rushed down the marble staircase, barely noticing her mother whom she almost collided with. Shocked, she teetered back on her heels, grasping the wrought iron banister.

"Mom," Clarke gasped. "I almost ran you over."

Abby Griffin, a prominent medical surgeon, stared at her daughter as if she was diagnosing a patient with a disease. She was dressed for work in scrubs and a tight ponytail.

"I think you would've wearing those six inch heels," she replied, crossing her arms over her small chest. "Just where do you think you're going running off like a banshee?"

"I'm late to Harper's party." Clarke said quickly glancing down at her watch.

Well, at least she would be fashionably late.

"Harper? She only lives a couple blocks away." Abby narrowed her eyes. "I don't know how I feel about letting you go to this party."

Clarke was tempted to roll her eyes. That certainly wouldn't go over well with her mom. In many ways, Clarke and Abby were so much alike. They were both strong-willed, passionate and stubborn. Her mother, however, was way too overprotective sometimes.

Clarke had been hoping to sneak out after her mom had left for the graveyard shift.

Looks like that wasn't happening.

"I've been to Harper's parties before." Clarke exclaimed, sliding past Abby and heading towards the front doors. She grabbed the car keys out of her clutch.

"Yes, but you know your father and I don't approve -"

"Mom," Clarke interrupted and turned around. "I can take care of myself."

Abby was silent for a moment. "I know sweetie," she said, her voice sounding resolute. "I just worry. It's what I'm supposed to do."

Clarke opened the door and smiled at her mom. "I know," she blew a kiss. "Love you."

She was about to lock the door behind her when Abby called out, "Remember no drinking! Call me if you need a ride!"

Clarke grinned. Like that was going to happen.

. . .

Clarke wandered over toward the floor-to- ceiling wall of windows, ignoring the sounds of the party going on behind her. Practically everyone from Phoenix Farms was here, including others who weren't - like the sons and daughters of affluent politicians and businessmen. Clarke sipped her Smirnoff screwdriver with disinterest. She was seriously hoping that Octavia would be here. Someone new, someone who didn't care about her parents' occupation or fame, someone who could make her laugh.

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