Tack Rooms

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Clarke liked Octavia Blake. She liked the fact that she was so bubbly and alive. Everything she said and every gesture she made was wild and full of excitement. They walked side by side towards the Phoenix stalls with Clarke leading Bravado.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to own him!" Octavia squealed and glanced over at the chestnut gelding.

Clarke smiled. Octavia was different from the girls she'd normally hang around with. She didn't care about her appearance or the name brands on her clothes. Octavia said whatever came to mind and never apologized if she happened to curse - which was quite frequently.

"I'm just glad he's going to good home." Clarke replied, petting Bravado on the neck. "He's a great horse."

They walked into barn isle through the wide stone archway and were immediately greeted by whinny from Mist. Octavia gasped when she spotted Clarke's horse.

"You're so lucky to have her. Did you show her this weekend?" Octavia asked as they stopped in front of the wrought iron stall.

Clarke stepped towards the dappled mare looking out over her stall guard. The horse leaned forward as she approached, quickly lipping at the treat she pulled out of her pocket.

"Yeah, we competed in the Hunter Derby and some of the other smaller classes." she said, turning towards Octavia who was stroking Mist's nose gently.

"It's my dream to ride in an A show Hunter Derby..." Octavia whispered, her voice trailing off.

Clarke remembered that she had come from Walden Farms. Some of the riders who competed under Marcus Kane could only afford the county shows and not the expensive A circuits. Octavia was more fortunate than most, her father was Marcus. Clarke had seen Octavia ride once or twice, she definitely had the talent. Then of course there was her brother...

"Don't you compete in the 3'3 hunters?" Clarke asked, pushing away the memory of Bellamy Blake watching her ride. He was the very definition of trouble.

Octavia's eyes lit up. "Yeah, but dad says I can move up to 3'6 soon, especially since we have Bravado now."

"He'll take you far." Clarke gave Octavia the widest smile.

"I know he will, it's just that I can't believe..." her voice wandered off. Clarke saw Octavia's face grow distant. The other girl was obviously not thinking about Bravado anymore. She pushed a long tendril of black hair behind her ear and crossed her arms, looking disheartened.

"Come on," Clarke piped up. "Let's go get you two acquainted."

Octavia's demeanor immediately perked and she followed Clarke and Bravado to the Phoenix crossties.

. . .

Sometime later, Clarke and Octavia were both laughing together in the tack room eating pizza. They had been wandering around the Phoenix barn since that morning and Clarke was having fun showing Octavia around. Sure, the other girls were staring at Octavia with dislike and distaste, but Clarke scowled at them right back. They weren't used to seeing Walden riders around here.

"I can't believe your hair net smells this bad!" Clarke laughed and threw the disgusting thing back at Octavia.

"It doesn't smell that bad!" Octavia replied, indignant. She brought it up to her nose and sniffed. How she didn't throw up all over the tack room floor, Clarke didn't know.

"When was the last time you washed that thing?" asked Clarke plugging her nose and waving a hand in front of her face.

"You're supposed to wash them?" Octavia replied with all seriousness in her voice. Clarke shook her head laughing, laughing so hard that it made her stomach hurt.

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