iii. | "dick!"

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ALEXANDER LAID IN his bed the next day. He stared at the ceiling after having a two hour long discussion with Peter on the phone about Sam and how she was doing, and what the focus thought. She was fine, she would just be holed up in the hospital for a few days until she could get back on her feet.

Alexander felt like this was partly his fault. If he just drove Sam home instead of taking her along with them to give the Shadysiders hell, she wouldn't be in the hospital.

But to make up for being one of the reasons why they crashed, Alexander was going to visit her, bring her a stuffed teddy bear and a star-shaped balloon. Peter thought it was a great idea after what happened. It could take her mind off things, as Peter said.

Alexander sat up and threw on a long-sleeved striped shirt. He jumped into his pants, looping his black belt through the belt loops. He slipped his foot into his gray converse, before he tied them.

He walked past his window, an image of a skull masked figure out the corner of his eye catching his attention. He back tracked to the window, not seeing what he just thought he did. He shook his head and continued on his way. But that same figure walked out from behind the tree, a knife in his hand, ready to kill.

"Hey, champ. . . how ya feeling?" his uncle questioned him. Alexander picked up his keys from the key hanger, the flashback of what happened last night replaying in his head. "Your parents and I are worried that this school is-"

Alexander sighed. "Uncle Jerry, that fight last night was because of Shadyside, and so was that crash. This school won't ruin my scholarship, it'll be just fine." he reassured.

His uncle chuckled.


"Nothing. . . just you're right. I don't know why we're worried," he paused as Alexander plucked his keys out the key bowl. "Where you going?"

"To see Sam."

His uncle leaned against the wall after he picked up a plate of fries. "Oh? You like her, don't you? That's why Nick told me you were cuddling her when he found you and those. . . Shadysiders."

"What? No, Jerry!" Alexander shook his head. "She's not my type!"


"Jerry." Alexander growled.

"Okay, okay!" he held his hands up. "Uh, well, I'm gonna get on to work. They just called me in for something huge. Your parents will be getting home from Europe probably around. . . midnight. They came home early just for you." he informed Alexander as he threw on a jacket. "See you later!"

Alexander waved. "See you."

As his uncle left, Alexander decided he would eat something here, so he didn't have to eat hospital food. In his opinion, hospital food taste like dogwater and he would much rather actually drink dogwater than eat the food the hospital provided.

He hoped Sam and Peter were doing okay with eating the hospital food.

His phone abruptly dinged. Alexander looked at his phone to see Simon had texted him. The message read, are you home?

It dinged again, Alex hurry up and answer me.

Then again.

And again.

And again.

Then once more, before it stopped.

They were simply messages from Simon who was freaking out on Alexander over the span of twenty minutes about a skull mask guy.

Alexander furrowed his eyebrows as he shoved the last of his food into his mouth. He pushed his phone back into his front pocket, before he stood up and rinsed his bowl out in the metallic, stainless-steel sink. He stared at the bowl momentarily for he thought about everything that went so wrong the day before.

There was a few aggressive knocks at his front door. It almost sounded like the police, but he knew it couldn't be the police. It might've been some of the nightly solicitors. The Greenwood boy groaned in pure annoyance, nonetheless he went to open the door. He looked through the peek hole to see it was Simon and his friends.

What the hell are they doing here, Alexander thought. How do they even know where I live?

The questions Alexander asked himself was soon answered as realization dawned on him. Simon told them where Alexander lived and then proceeded to make up a lie or an excuse. And they were here because of the crap they pulled last night, they might've been here to apologize for what they did. Alexander didn't think he and his friends were the ones to apologize for it. He did think it was his fault in some ways, but overall he thought it was theirs.

Alexander yanked the door open. "What brings you to my humble home?" he questioned them, glancing between them all.

"You know why we're here!" the dark-skinned brunette yelled, jabbing a finger at him.

"Woah, woah, and you are?" Alexander chuckled.


Okay, Deena, I don't even know what you're talking about!" he glared at Simon, then the females. "The only thing I ever did to you Shadysiders was punch one of your kind and pull a harmless prank on you guys, which you know resulted in Sam going to the hospital because you guys can't control yourselves." he snapped.

Deena laughed. "Oh my god!"

Simon sighed. "Alexander, we saw you guys. You were wearing your skull masks."

"Okay, and when was this?" Alexander crossed his arms.

"An hour ago?"

Alexander laughed.

The pale brunette lifted an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

"I was on the call with Peter an hour ago, dipshits," Alexander pushed past them. The door slammed shut behind him, before he locked it. "You guys are psychopaths." he walked over to his car.

The other female yelled, "We know it was you, sicko!"

"Dick!" Simon yelled at him.

Alexander simply ignored the group. They really got on his nerves and he didn't even know them, except for Simon, of course. He flipped the three off as he entered his car and drove off.

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