x. | another story of the witch

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DEENA AND JOSH drove to C. Berman's house with the tied up Samantha Fraser. Deena needed this woman's help for she knew how to fix this horrible mess that they started when Sam touched the witches grave and angered her.

"Is this it?" Josh questioned.

Deena nodded. "Yeah, it is." she knocked on the door. She stood there for a moment, waiting to hear something moving around, but there was nothing.

"You sure this is the right place and not some abandoned house?" Josh questioned again, hands in his pockets. He glanced at the car where Sam was in the trunk.

"It has to be," Deena answered. "Wait here." She walked along the side of the house looking for another door or a window that was unlocked. She really didn't care if this was illegal by trespassing, she just wanted to find the Berman lady to help them with Sam, no matter what they had to do. "Josh, come here! I found an open window!" she exclaimed.

Josh walked over to her and helped her through the window. He kept glancing around to make sure there was no one around to see them breaking into a house. Deena got through the window, then continued to help her brother inside so he wouldn't be left alone.

"Don't fucking move." a voice growled behind them. Deena being Deena decided to turn around anyways as her brother stood up, her hands in the air as they came face to face with the Berman lady holding a knife.

"Wait, wait," Deena breathed out. "We called you!" she blurted out.

The lady glanced between the siblings, knife still raised. "Why the hell would you come here?!" she yelled out of anger and frustration.

Deena and Josh looked at each other.


THE THREE WALKED outside. Deena popped open the trunk and revealed the possessed Sam to the Berman lady to show her what happened to Sam despite that she died like the lady did, they should've been broke free from the witches curse, but they weren't.

The lady gasped. "No, no, no, no! You need to leave, right now!" she stepped away. "You have no idea what you're doing." she started walking away.

Deena jumped in front of the lady. "Yeah, exactly. We have no idea what we're doing. . . but you do. You are the only person who knows what we're dealing with!"

"I'm not the only one," the lady laughed. Deena and Josh furrowed their eyebrows. The lady went back into her panic mode. "I don't want that thing near me. Get off my property with that demon and the car!" she shouted.

"Her name is Sam," Deena corrected. "There was a chance you would've watched the news to see there was another Shadyside mass killing with our names in that list, but you didn't," Deena sighed. "You called us back."

"I can't help you with this!"

Deena became desperate. "You are our last chance! The witch-"

"No, I'm sorry." the lady cut her off. She was about to walk away, but Deena stopped her.

"My girlfriend is possessed by her and tied up in a trunk, but you. . . you saw her and you survived," Deena reminded. The lady sighed. "Maybe something happened to you that can help us stop her."

"There's not! You can't stop her!" The lady exclaimed out of frustration. "All I can tell you is to run as far away as possible and as fast as possible. It's the only way."

Deena pulled at her hair. "Look, I can't just run! I can't let Sam die! I won't! I love her!" she cried. "And I can't let Alexander, Kate, Simon and everyone else die in vain!"

The lady didn't answer her for a moment. The lady sighed, "Keep her away from Major Tom."

With that, they picked Sam up and placed her inside the ladies home bathroom.

Sam made animal noises. Josh frowned. "It's completely fine," he smiled at the lady as Sam was growling. "She's tied up in the bathroom so she like totally can't leave now." he explained.

"I have to call someone over here." the lady stated. "Take a seat."


ROSALIE GOODE, WHO was once known as Rosalie Evanston. . . until she married Nick Goode, sat up from her bed and picked up the phone ringing on her nightstand. She had her hand on her stomach as she held it up to her ear. "Hello?"

"Hey. . . it's me. . ." a voice dragged out.

Rosalie furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm sorry, who is this?" she asked. "I can't know who you are by your voice." she harshly spoke.

"Rose, I don't know if your husband told you, but it's happening again. . . Nightwing."

Rosalie zoned out. That can't be, she thought. Why would it be happening again after all these years? She thought it was over after the massacre in Camp Nightwing. Oh was she wrong.

"I need you to come over. . . these kids need our help. . . to figure out everything that happened that night." she explained.

Rosalie felt a small kick in her womb. She slightly smiled. "Okay, be there in an hour." she informed.


ROSALIE SAT ON a comfortable recliner. She stared at the two children sitting in front of her to tell them the story of what happened at Camp Nightwing. On the news, it said Berman was the only one who survived and saw the witch. That was wrong, because Rosalie survived too and so did many others. She thought it was dumb they only put Berman's name on there, but she supposed it didn't matter.

She didn't envy Berman, she was glad the press didn't surround her the following days after.

Rosalie sat back. "Wanna do the hours?" she asked Berman.

"Sure," she sighed, picking up one of the pictures. It showed two girls standing in front of the Camp Nightwing sign, both of them were red heads, one looked grumpy and the other looked happy. "In Shadyside, the past is never really the past," she shakily whispered. Rosalie swallowed down hard. "This was July twelfth. The summer of nineteen-seventy-eight. The first day of camp," she laid the photo down in front of the siblings. "A week later my sister was dead."

Rosalie spoke up softly, "And so was my brother. . ."

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