Chapter 1

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Emma Swan had always thought of herself to be brave, I mean, she chopped down a sociopathic mass murderers, apple tree with a chainsaw and she slew a fucking dragon, okay so that was Regina's apple tree who's actually a lot less murdery these days unless she was in the company of Snow, Rumple, Hook or Zelena and sometimes David, and even occasionally Emma, depending on her mood but she was trying and that's what mattered.

Emma also probably shouldn't call her a sociopath considering she wanted to date her, and she was literally the mother of her child which they now shared and Emma didn't actually manage to kill Maleficent, in fact, she just reappeared a few years later in human form when Gold went all mob boss with his girl gang and tried to take over Storybrooke.

Anyway, back to the problem, Emma was super brave when it came to fighting evil, which she done all the time, without breaking a sweat, but what she wasn't brave about, was her feelings. Nope, Emma Swan was a big fat coward in matters of the heart, and she knew this because, she had been harbouring a giant crush on Regina Mills for two years now and the woman had absolutely no idea, in fact, Emma was pretty sure Regina thought that she wouldn't date her, even if she was the last person on earth, which was all damn ruby's fault. She caught Emma off guard one day when she and Regina were having lunch in the diner and made a very childish comment;

"You know you two would make a really hot couple," Regina just smirked and never responded. Emma though got so flustered and anxious, that her crush was going to be found out, that she ended up loudly claiming "that's absurd, she is literally my grandmother and she's like 90, not including all the curses, God ruby you're so weird."

Regina, unsurprisingly, was extremely offended, and she got up and walked out, leaving Emma to pay the bill that the Mayor had promised she would pay.

It took the saviour three weeks and many apology texts which would always come back with the same reply of 'Sorry, I already forgot what you said, my dementia must be playing up. Love grandma'. even Henry hadn't helped, he thought the whole thing was hilarious and could barely get out the messages Regina used to send him with without breaking down into laughter.

Said messgaes usually consisted of "mom said, you'll have to pick me up from school because she shouldn't be driving at her age" or "mom, didn't give me any dinner money. She didn't hear me ask. After all, her hearing isn't what it used to be, you know since she's ninety" and Emma's all-time favourite "you have to take me to the stables this week because mom broke her hip while trying to make an apple turnover for her favourite grandchild... That's you, by the way".

Regina eventually came round, but only because snow threatened to refer to her as mom and apparently that thought was so horrifying that she instantly forgave Emma and they've never mentioned it again.

Now, Emma was cursing herself, albeit not literally, although the concept had appealed to her a few times if only to forget how much of an idiot she was when it came to a certain beautiful brunette mayor, but no, that was Regina's speciality and apparently snows too, which had been quite the surprise considering she wasn't exactly thrilled to have been frozen in time for twenty-eight-years in the first curse, but apparently curses were fair game, if your intention was to get your saviour daughter to leave her her nice normal life in the real world and come back to the mind fuckery that was Storybrooke, because she needed to defeat the wicked witch of the west, who was pretending to be a midwife whilst plotting to steal your baby, so she could go back in time and make sure her Mother never sent her to OZ and her sister hadnt been born, because she was a jealous little bitch and apparently Regina had been given the life that she wanted.

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