Chapter 2

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Emma was still sitting at her desk in the Sheriff's office four hours later, only having completed one piece of paperwork out of the six that she had to do. She had gone over a plan in her head and she really couldn't find any flaws in it, but then again she was Emma Swan and idiot was apparently her middle name. Well at least if you asked Regina it was.

Her totally brilliant, awesome, foolproof plan was simple really. She would ask Ruby to make Regina's favourite food and then she would deliver it to Regina's door at 5.45 pm so that she didn't have to cook dinner when she got in from work at 6 pm.

Henry was staying with Emma tonight so Regina would be on her own and she would probably appreciate not having to cook a meal for just one person. Unless she had invited fucking bird-boy, of course. Emma was praying that that wasn't what the Mayor had done, although, maybe she would put some nuts and berries in as well, just in case. That's what birds ate, right?

It was exactly two hours later and Emma had only completed one other piece of paperwork. It was now 5 pm and she needed to leave, so the rest would have to wait until tomorrow, which was when they needed to be handed in.

Regina was probably going to go all Evil Queen on her when she realised they weren't finished, but like normal, Emma would just blame David. She enjoyed using variations of the excuse, 'Regina! My dad was literally a shepherd most of his life, until he had to pretend to be his evil twin brother and slay a freakin dragon. Then you went on a mission to kill him and my mother before you cast the curse and had him put in a coma for twenty-eight years. When exactly did you expect him to learn to read and write, huh?'

Once she had said that, Emma usually high-tailed it out of the Mayor's office because Regina would always smile at her dangerously, while talking about how much of a shame it would be if the Saviour's bug spontaneously caught fire, in a sickly sweet tone that was actually quite terrifying.

Anyway, back to the problem at hand. The paperwork could always be completed the next day and there would always be a bear claw waiting for Emma when she got back from dropping it off. They would then pretend like none of it had ever happened, when in fact, the exact same thing happened almost every week.

David arrived to start his shift ten minutes later and Emma literally ran out of the door.

'Hello, Dad. The paperwork isn't done but we'll think of a good excuse tomorrow, ok? I've got to go now. Bye,' she yelled, as she jogged to the front door while also looking in the direction of David who was behind her.

David nodded his head knowing that this was their normal routine. 'Ok, Kiddo. I'll- Emma, watch out,' he shouted.

But Emma didn't watch out and she proceeded to crash straight into her mother, who was coming through the door carrying two cups of very hot coffee.

Emma ended up on the floor as the coffee soaked into her shirt and through her bra. It really fucking hurt and she was trying not to cry.

'Fuck!' She groaned in pain.

'Emma! Sweetie, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?' Asked Snow, who was trying to help her up while David was too busy trying to contain his laughter by putting his hand over his mouth.

'David! Your daughter has just been scolded with hot coffee and you're standing there laughing about it. Maybe it's a good job that we didn't raise her, because you certainly wouldn't have gotten any awards for parenting,' hissed the school teacher.

David straightened his face while Emma snorted at how dramatic Snow was being.

'Mom! I'm fine, it just stings. I need to go... Dad, since you're such a shitty parent you can give me your shirt and pants, because mine are ruined and I have somewhere that I need to be,' winced emma as she held her t-shirt and bra away from her skin.

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