Chapter 3

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Emma was still standing frozen on the side of the road five minutes later, when Henry walked out to see what was taking her so long. He made his way over to stand bedside her and had tried his best to hold in a giggle at the look of confusion on her face.

'Ma, are you okay?' He inquired gently, in order to not spook her.

That seemed to snap her out of whatever daze she was in because she spun round to face him and replied, though she seemed a bit flustered.

'Yeah, of course. I'm fine! Your Mom totally didn't just fry my brain with her vague comments and sexy winks, and I was not just standing here trying to figure out if they were supposed to be code for something or not,' rambled Emma distractedly.

Henry screwed his face up in disgust. 'Ew, Ma. You can't just tell a dude that his mom winked sexily at you. It's weird! You know, maybe you should try those parenting classes Grams goes to,' he replied with a cheeky smile.

Emma barked out a laugh. 'Yeah, sure! I can learn how to give you tummy rubs when you're colicky and sing you nursery rhymes when you're sleepy, and change your diaper when you pee. Those are baby and me classes, kid. They wouldn't work on cheeky bratty teenagers like yourself,' she smirked.

Henry clutched at his chest dramatically in mock hurt. 'You wound me. I am a perfect little prince, just ask Mom,' he smiled smugly.

'Whatever kid. Now get your perfect little princey ass back in that house and finish your homework,' replied Emma, while pushing him forward as he laughed and jogged up the walkway.

Henry went up to his room, but she knew that he probably wasn't doing his homework but instead texting Grace, his friend who was absolutely not his girlfriend. Yeah right! Emma might be slow and oblivious sometimes but she wasn't born yesterday. She was perfectly aware that the "comic club" her son went to on Fridays was actually code for "I'm hanging out with Grace but I don't want Mom to go all Evil Queen, because her only son is growing up and she can't handle it.'

She actually liked Grace, as opposed to Grace's Dad, Jefferson. This wasn't a surprise to anyone considering he literally kidnapped her and threatened her with a gun, while simultaneously trying to seduce her. Well, at least that's how it had felt. What with all the whispering in her ear and touching her arm. Let's not forget all of the eye contact. God, there had been so much eye contact. He had even pulled her hair for fucks sake, and then he'd choked her. Both of which, in her view anyway, were very sexual moves.

Okay, so maybe those last two were because she had bashed him in the face with a telescope. But still, it was fucking weird! And it was all because he had wanted her to use the magic that she didn't even know she possessed to make his fucking top hat spin, which now that she thought about it, sounded like a weird sex euphemism. Yeah, it kind of made sense now.

Emma had only managed to escape because he had also kidnapped MM and she had smashed him in the back with a mallet, before going all badass bandit Snow White and karate kicked him out of the window. He didn't die though, so it was all ok. Grace on the other hand, was actually a lovely person and luckily for her it turned out that madness wasn't genetic. So yeah, hooray for that.

Anyway, back to the predicament of trying to figure out what the vague comment and sexy wink had meant; if it had meant anything at all, which it probably hadn't.

The super-hot Mayor was more than likely just teasing her, but two could play that game. If Regina wanted a surprise dinner then she would get one, just not as she expected. Man, she really wished that she was giving her something else but that would come later. Maybe! Hopefully. Ok, probably not, but a girl could dream, right?

After Emma went over her super ingenious plan in her head, she made Henry and her some dinner before heading to bed. Tomorrow would be a long day and she needed to be in the right frame of mind so that there was not a repeat of today. No sir, definitely not.

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