Chapter 5

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Emma Swan was sitting at her desk in the Sheriff's station, not doing the paperwork she was definitely supposed to be doing. It was exactly a week after Regina had kissed her swollen lip better and it was all she could think about. She and the Mayor hadn't had much contact, and she was pretty sure the object of her desires was avoiding her although she couldn't be sure except for that time three days ago when they came face to face in the street.

She hadn't even gotten out a word before Regina was pointing wildly over her shoulder saying, 'OMG is that Rumple riding a unicorn while giving out rainbow stickers?' Emma had immediately spun round because well who wouldn't? The sight of Rumple riding a unicorn would be freaking hilarious and also she really wanted a rainbow sticker.

Well, as it turned out there was no Rumple or unicorns and sadly no stickers either, which is what she was most upset about. And then to top it off, when she turned back round Regina had just evaporated. So yeah, she thinks the brunette beauty is definitely avoiding her, although she really can't think of why. They had talked about the kiss and they had agreed it was totally just a bestie thing and they give platonic bestie affection all the time, so why was this any different? She didn't know, but what she did know was that she wasn't going to stand for it. She would make Regina acknowledge her, just as soon as she finished her paperwork, because she wanted the woman to talk to her, not set her on fire.

She was three reports deep almost an hour later when she was interrupted by the most annoying voice on the planet and definitely someone she really didn't want to deal with today.

'You Saviour, have some bloody explaining to do, ' shrieked Zelena.

Emma sighed as she lifted her head and smiled tightly. 'What exactly is it you want me to explain? Because if it's about the birds and the bee's, then I'm pretty sure it's far too late for that since you already gave birth' she drawled.

'Har har. You're a comic genius. Please immediately quit your job and become a full-time comedian,' sassed Zelena.

'Oh, yeah. I forgot your idea of funny is killing your sister's soulmate's wife, imitating her and then getting pregnant. Isn't it?' she shot back.

'This again? Seriously Swan, you need some new material. It's getting boring.'

'What do you want, Zee?'

'Oh right, yes. You need to fix whatever it is that you've done? Because I will kill my sister.'

'Zelena, you've been murder free for three hundred and ninety-four days and you are not going to break that streak by murdering your only sister, who we both know you now adore.'

Zelena pouted. 'Fine! But I will seriously hurt her if I have to put up with her miserable arse any longer, so fucking fix it, ' she demanded with a slight whine.

'Fix what? I haven't done anything,' yelled Emma. She was seriously getting sick of getting blamed for everything, when half the time, she didn't even know what day it was.

'Emma, darling. It always your fault. Well, unless when it's Snowing's fault, but I know it's not that this time because they had lunch together yesterday. My dear sister has been awful.'

Emma's face morphed in to seriously confused expression. 'What the fuck are you talking about? Snowing? Why does Regina hate it snowing? And she had lunch with it yesterday? You need help. And to think that I was the one being accused of having an addiction yesterday. If only they had spoken to you,' she rambled.

'If you're quite finished?' At Emma's nod, Zelena continued. 'Snowing is your mother and fathers ship name.'

'They haven't got a fucking ship, Zee.'

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