"The Shoulders I Stand On"

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This is a poem I wrote for school.
It is a response poem to the poem recited at Joe Biden's inauguration. The poem call "What Do You Stand For?" Written and recited by Amanda Gorman. Go read or listen to the original poem because it it beautiful. This is my response.

If you are not American, you might not understand this, and if you don't agree, keep the comments to yourself.


¨Whose shoulders do you stand on?¨
Many people choose one,
but i am not many
I am just one.

The shoulders i stand one
are those of Americans united
I stand on the shoulders
Of the founding fathers.

The founding fathers
who, without,
we wouldn't have
the America we know.

The shoulders i stand one
are those of Americans
All Americans

A single mother working
to feed her children.
Slaves who were
Freed from slavery

Americans of all races,
all colours, and ethnicity.
The shoulders i stand on
Are those of America united
Americans united is America

America is not just
The land we stand on.
It is not just the grass from the ground,
Nor is it the trees that grow from it.

Americans sing America.
Americans united is America.
The shoulders i stand on
Are those of America

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