𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

Mᴀʀɢᴏᴛ Dᴜᴘᴏɪs

We just got to our new home and new phones she says you get first pick on the rooms I say really? She says yes yes go I go look around and I pick the room with the bathroom connected and a balcony and I start unpacking the few things I did bring I finish and I decide to go take a look around I walk down the street and as I'm crossing the street I see a car steering out of control and coming straight toward me I close my eyes ready to accept my fate but it never comes I peek my eyes open and their's this man in front of me and he's gorgeous and huge about 6'5 he looks older than me mid to late 20's he has his black hair combed neatly to the side a few strands slipping down and into his beautiful god like face he  has tan skin and beautiful icey blue eyes tattoos on his hands and arms that I assume lead to his chest he has on shiny black dress shoes black dress pants and a white dress shirt the sleeves rolled up to his elbows he's quite a sight to behold he stopped the car he's obviously inhumanly strong the guy in the car apologizes over and over and the man ignores him and he turns to me and I look at him surprised he says hello his voice deep and his accent thick I feel like we've met before I say h.hi he grabs my arm and leads me out the street and into a little diner and he sits me down I say h.how did you-? he says adrenaline I say y.you were nowhere near me he says I was close enough why don't you stop questioning me and just say thank you I say th.thank you he says your welcome he says I've never seen you around here before I say me and my best friend just moved here today he says I see I say w.what's your name? He says Arthur, Arthur Fournier and you are? I say Margot Dupois he says well Margot I really hope to see you again I say you too he kisses the back of my hand and says until next time and I melt he walks out and I can't help but watch him go it's something about him that attracts me I call Charlotte and tell her to meet me at the diner and she gets here fairly quickly and she sits across from me and says wow I like this could be our new spot I say it could and that's when I tell her everything that happened and she starts crying I say what Char? She says i.i could have lost you I say but you didn't she says i.im glad you met someone maybe he can be the man to treat you better I say I don't know about that she hugs me tight and the waitress approaches us and she says can I get you ladies anything? I say sure may I have a cup of tea and a blueberry muffin Charlotte says a cup of cocoa and a banana nut muffin for me the waitress says alright be right back it takes her a few minutes a d she comes back with our orders and me and Charlotte enjoy our tea and muffins and talk

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