𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧

Mᴀʀɢᴏᴛ Dᴜᴘᴏɪs

«ᗩ ᑕOᑌᑭᒪᗴ ᗪᗩYՏ ᒪᗩTᗴᖇ»

I'm walking in my room when I see Albert sitting on my bed with a gun in hand and a handful of Charlotte's hair in his other she's crying she tries to fight him and he blows her brains out and I scream he smiles and says miss me? I try to reach for the handle but he shoots at the wall beside me and yells sit the fuck down bitch! I rush to sit he touches my face and says I missed you so much baby he leans in and he kisses my lips but I don't return it he says you don't wanna kiss me back? That's okay and he cocks his hand back and slaps me with everything he has I scream he yells shut the fuck up bitch! I try to be quiet he says I know why you don't wanna kiss me it's because your to busy kissing him yeah I seen you your such a fucking whore I start to cry because I can't help but think he's gonna kill me he says are you fucking him? I don't say anything he yells answer me bitch! Are you fucking him!? I say n.no he starts to lift my dress I try so hard to stop but he starts hitting me and he grabs the gun and he puts it to my head and I close my eyes waiting for him to pull the trigger but he just starts laughing and he says your not worth the bullet and he starts choking me and I start to feel like I can't breathe I claw at his hands trying to stop him but it's no use and I feel like I'm gonna die until I see a pissed off Arthur walk in and his anger rises when he sees me I see the fire in his eyes he comes super quick to the bed inhumanly fast and he rips his head from his body and the blood splatters on me and he drinks the blood from his headless corpse and I don't know what to think I'm dazed he looks at me and his gaze softens I hesitantly touch his face and he lets me I say h.how did you know he was here? He says Charlotte called my office before she uh died I sit up and I grab his hand and I lead him to my bathroom and I clean the blood from his face and hands and he cleans my cuts and stuff I say what are you? He says what do you mean? I say don't bullshit me your obviously not human I mean I didn't know for sure before but I definitely know now he says I am a vampire I grab his face and open his mouth and sure enough their's fangs I say I want to ask you something and I want you to be honest with me okay? he says okay I say do you have some type of connection with me? He says what makes you ask? I say because I feel connected to you I feel a strong attraction I remember our first meeting I felt like I'd known you my whole life he says yes were connected were made for each other I've been looking for you for centuries I say really? He cups my face and says really my love I lean up and kiss his lips and he returns it and it's sweet and passionate after a few minutes we pull away and he says I know it may not be a good time but Will you Margot Dupois do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend I say I'd love too I hug him tight he holds me and I hear him say your coming home with me

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