𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

Aʀᴛʜᴜʀ Fᴏᴜʀɴɪᴇʀ

I'm standing beside her in the elevator I say do you wanna go to dinner on Thursday she says I'd love to I say is 9:15 good? She says 9:15 is perfect I say good and the elevator dings and the doors open and we walk out onto our floor and I unlock the double doors and we go in and I go to my desk and she drops her things off in her office and goes to pick up my cake and coffee and her tea and muffin she brings it back after 5-10 minutes as usual and she sets mine on my desk

I'm walking through the park hand in hand with my sweet Margot we just finished having a picnic I lead her to the ice cream man and I say chocolate and strawberry he gives me Chocolate and her strawberry and I pay and she takes my hand and we continue walking and talking as we enjoy our ice cream after a few hours I take her home and walk her up to her door and she pulls me down by my tie and she stands on her tippy toes and she kisses my lips and her lips are soft just like I imagined and the kiss is sweet and innocent like her it lasts a few minutes up until her nosey slut friend opens the door and we pull away and she's red as a tomato her friend says thanks for getting her home safe and she pulls her in and closes the door and I hear the slut start fan girling
I'm standing in my kitchen when she walks in her hair down and she looks beautiful I invited her over for dinner I say come here she comes to me I grab her quickly and sit her on the counter and I slip her sweater off quickly and she has bruises and scars I grab tissues and wipe the make up from her face and I step back and it pisses me off I say who's hitting you? she says nobody I give her a look she says I'm not being hit anymore I say well who was hitting you? She says my ex I say is that why you came here? She says yes I say what's his name? She says Arth- I yell what's his fucking name Margot? She says A.albert Tuscany I excuse myself and go to my home office and I call Richard for details on this Albert Tuscany I'll rip his fucking head from his body he says I'll have it by tomorrow morning sir I say good and I hang up and go back to her and she's waiting I say I'm sorry if I scared you she says I don't feel like you'd hurt me in her usual soft sweet voice and I go to her and I wrap my arms around her and I hold her tight and she holds onto me
I'm standing in my office when I hear a knock I say enter Richard walks in with a manila folder and he places it on my desk and he says he's got quite the sheet Ms. Margot had 3 restraining orders against him that her parents had taken off he has quite a few domestic violence cases open all pertaining to Ms. Margot I open it and look through it and it pisses me off it has pictures of the shit he's done to her and I doubt that's even half of it he's a punk bastard

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