24. The Perfect Moment

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Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated.

It seems my teachers plan to give me projects all at the same time.

Mackenzie's POV

I'm so happy Peyton and I got back together. How could I ever doubt his loyalty? Today I am going to a party at Peyton's house. I'm so excited. I finally quit daydreaming and get out of bed. I walk downstairs and see my mom made pancakes. "These look great" I tell her as I sit down to eat. "Yasss boo yasss I love pancakes" Lilly says as she walks down the stairs. "Lilly I'm not your boo" my mom says firmly. I can't help but laugh. "Everyone's my boo" Lilly says as she eats pancakes. "What does that even mean?" My mom asks confused. "It's metaphorical. Everyone is my boo" Lilly says. "You kids and your slang. What's that one word that I don't like. It starts with a " t"?" my mom asks. "You mean twerk" I say laughing. "That's the one". Then Gavin gives an unneeded demonstration by twerking on the wall. My family is great.

" What should I wear to the party?" I ask Lilly as I rummage through my closet. "What about that red dress?" Lilly suggests. "Ew no" I say and wrinkle my nose. "I have to look flawless but seem like I'm not trying too hard" I explain. "You're such a diva. You used to wear whatever you wanted no matter what. Now look at you" Lilly says as she leaves the room. I sit down on my bed and think about what she said. Could that be true? Have I changed since going into the spotlight? I always promised myself that would never happen of I did become an actress.

I arrive at the party and Peyton is the first person I see. "Hey" I say hugging him. He kisses me and we hold hands. We start heading into his house. "You look gorgeous" he says sweetly. "Aww thanks. You look very handsome" I tell him. Which he does.

"This is my friend Holly and my friend Gabrielle" Rowan says as she introduces me to two beautiful girls. "Nice to meet you" Holly says. "We're big fans of you" Gabrielle says. "Thank you guys so much. You are so nice" I say hugging them. I continue to make small talk and dance a little.

A little while later I spot Peyton. "Hey, are you enjoying the party?" He asks me. "Yeah it's great" I lie. It would be great but I've barely gotten to see Peyton all night. It seems every time we get to talk one of his friends comes over and pulls him away.

After the party is over Peyton walks me home."I'm sorry we didn't get to talk much at the party" he says. "It's okay. You're popular" I tell him. Then all of a sudden it starts pouring rain. We both start laughing. Peyton takes off his coat and puts it over my head. He has to lean in to get us both under there. It's the most romantic thing ever. Then he kisses me. And we stand there kissing in the rain.

I know it's short but I hope you enjoy. Don't worry my two winners that I just included will be in here again.

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