8. Is It Over?

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Hey guys can you read my new book, For Better or For Worse? Thanks!!

I had so much fun hanging out with Peyton, Corey, Rowan, and Sabrina. We just chilled the whole day.

The next day I'm going to meet the gang at Olive Garden. "Mom, I'm leaving" I yell up the stairs. "Can you bring home some milk?" She asks. "Uh sure I guess" I say as I walk out the door.
When I get to Olive Garden Sabrina runs up to me. "Morgan is here" she says. "Great" I say sarcastically. I walk over to the table and sit down on Rowan and Sabrina's side. The opposite side of Morgan. "Oh hi Elizabeth" Morgan says to me. "Um it's Mackenzie" I reply. Those don't even sound the same. "Same thing" she says. "Is she serious?" I whisper to Rowan. "What was that?" Morgan says. She must have really good hearing. "Nothing" Rowan says to her and she glares at us.

"Have you guys decided yet?" The waitress asks us. "Yeah" Peyton says. "I want the garden salad" Morgan says. Of course she does. "I'll have the fettuccine alfredo" I say and hand her my menu. The others order and she heads to the kitchen. Across the table Morgan was flirting with Peyton. She booped his nose and I burst out laughing. "Are you ok?" Morgan asks rudely. I can't do this anymore.

"Do you have a problem with me because I've never done anything to you?" I say. She acts a little shocked. She looks at Peyton. "Are you going to let her talk to me that way?" She asks him. She did not just do that. "Seriously, the minute someone talks back to you, you can't say anything back?" I say as I get up from the table. I start walking away and them I feel someone pull my hair. "You did not just do that" I say as I turn around and see Morgan. I grab her long red hair and yank it.

Morgan pushes me down and Rowan jumps on her back from behind. Rowan starts hitting her. "Get off me you freak!!" Morgan yells. Peyton comes up and seperates the two of them as Corey helps me up. "Thanks Corey" I say hugging him. "You're welcome, and don't tell Peyton but I don't like her either" he says.

The waitress comes over and escorts us out. "Wow we're actually banned from Olive Garden" I say to Sabrina. She laughs. "Oh and thanks Rowan for having my back" I say hugging her. "No problem" she says smiling. "But Peyton probably hates me now" I whine. "He could never hate you" Sabrina says.

The next day I walk into the studio and Rowan tackles me. "What the heck" I say as I get up. "Peyton dumped Morgan" she says excitedly. "What? Why?" I ask even more excited. "Apparently he thought she was really rude yesterday" Rowan says. This is like the best day of my life.

When I see Peyton he walks up to me. "I'm sorry about you and Morgan" I lie. "Don't be. She's just really rude. Don't blame yourself" he says with a smile. That smile literally makes me melt.

"So when are you going to make your move?" Sabrina asks me later that day. "I'm not. If he likes me then, he'll let me know" I say. "That could take forever" Rowan yells. "I'll wait." They aww for about an hour it seems like.

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