goodbyes are not sweet

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IT STARTED WITH Annabeth Chase, as all good things do.

They sat in the grass next to the pier to the lake. Annabeth had a carton of raspberries and blueberries and blackberries―which she, very brightly, said "I stole."

Sometimes, Erith thought Annabeth should be a Hermes kid. But on second thought, she was too smart for that―and too pretty.

Luke Castellan had not been a looker. Not really, anyway. Annabeth could do much better―and she had.

"Tell me your dream about Percy again," Annabeth said for practically the millionth time as she tossed a raspberry in her mouth, chewing gingerly and studying Erith.

"He said he misses you," Erith replied. That's what she always said, but Annabeth couldn't seem to get enough of her words.

The other girl flopped back onto the grass, still chewing her raspberry. Without looking, her hand dove into the carton and pulled out a handful of blueberries, which she began to put in her mouth one by one. "How did he look when he said it?"

Erith considered. "Sad. Wistful. Confused."

Annabeth hummed a soft, "Hmm." She finished her blueberries and sat back up, shaking the grass from her hair. "Do you think he―" her voice caught.

Erith waited, letting her friend collect the broken pieces inside of her. When she finally spoke, her voice was strained, as if holding back tears. "Do you think he loves me still?"

Erith smiled in spite of herself, a soft smile that could light up the world―like her father's sun. "Annabeth, just by one look at him, he loved you. It was in everything―the way he spoke, and the words he said, and his eyes, too. You're written into him. It's as if your name is tattooed all over his skin."

Annabeth's eyelids fluttered and Erith realized she was crying when she quickly brushed a teardrop from her cheek. She pulled out a blackberry and tossed it to Erith, who caught it easily. Then she sniffled, "Thanks, Erith."

"No need," Erith said gently, chewing the blackberry thoughtfully, taking great care to taste the sweetness of it and the pangs of sour. "I love you."

Annabeth smiled at her, so blindingly brought that Erith thought she could've been the sun god herself. "I love you, too."

And so it went.

A FEW MONTHS later, it was Chiron calling her to the Big House.

She was covered in dark grease from helping Leo with the Argo II, and she hadn't had time to wash off. So she sat on one of the Big House couches, probably getting the stupid stuff everywhere.

Chiron, Annabeth, and Jason were the only others in the room. Jason sat next to her, hunched forward, hands folded on knees. Annabeth sat opposite the two of them, on the other couch, trying to look relaxed but failing, foot tapping impatiently.

Chiron sat in his wheelchair. His expression was grim as he surveyed them. No one said anything.

Chiron was the one to break the silence. "Tell me why Erith should be allowed to go on this quest."

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