Healing her broken soul

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Riddhima looked at the beach house in awe

Don't know why but she felt an instant peace the second she stepped out of VR MANSION
BUT she can't leave vansh's family while those two monsters were still lurking around
She just hopes that this meeting gets over soon so that they could go back.

Vihaan smiled seeing her serene expressions

Angre's idea was not that bad

Indeed keeping her away from that mental house hold was best for her.

Vi: dollar biwi
Go get freshen up
At evening one of the business associate is coming, we both have to meet him

Riddhima looked at him dazed

Were they supposed to share the room here too?

Vi: my room is right next to yours
Call me if you need anything

Riddhima sighed in relief

Walking into her room, she fell on the bed with a thud but sleep was far way from her eyes

It had been the same since the vansh fell from the cliff

She was struggling to sleep since

Taking out the bottle of sleeping pills, she popped on into her mouth

As the pill started doing its magic, riddhima slowly drifted into a calm sleep.


Vihaan welcomed the business associate and sat down with him discussing god knows what

Riddhima looked at his partner uncomfortably

By the time he has gotten here, he had been stealing glanced at her

Eying her as if analysing her

Feeling suffocated, riddhima got up from there and left to her room.

As soon as she left, vihaan turned to the man and asked

Vi: what do u think arjun?

A: i will be very honest with you
The medicine which you showed me, that she is taking and observing her closely, i have came to only one conclusion
She is in severe depression
There is a constant fight going on in her mind
One side she wants to be free and happy
And other side, she wants to protect each and every member of her family , without caring that those people are toxic for her.
Vansh's death has effected her badly
You will have to be very gentle with her
One wrong move can compel her to take some drastic step.

Make her comfortable with yourself
So that she opens up to you
She should feel soo comfortable that she should place her heart infront of you
Only this way she would be at peace
She wants to trust someone
But her past experiences have made it impossible for her to share her inner turmoil

Vihaan nodded with full determination

Vi: one more thing
(Secret conversation)

A: no
Don't even think about it
At this point
It can be proved very dangerous for her.

Vihaan nodded

Arjun took his leave and went from there.

Vihaan knocked on riddhima's door

R: come in

Vi: hey
Come lets go for dinner

R: iam not hungry

Vi: seriously dollar biwi
You haven't eaten anything since morning
Plus iam very hungry

R; then go and eat

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