Not a toy to play with

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Are u really vihaan

vihaan looked at her shocked

Vi: ridh

R: don't
Don't you dare lie
You are vansh only
You are doing all this with me
You want to take revenge from me
You want to kill me
Or wait
Do u want me to become a mental patient
Is this how you will have some sort of peace

Vi: are u even hearing yourself riddhima

Vihaan tried to come close to her but riddhima hurriedly moved back scared from him

R: don't come near me vansh

Vi: riddhima
Iam not vansh
Iam vihaan


Riddhima took out her phone and showed him a video


Vihaan and angre are standing in an isolated place and talking

V: riddhima has betrayed me angre and now its payback time

An: what are u gonna do boss?

V: i will come infront of her as vihaan
I will mentally torture her to the extent that she would be confused that whether iam vansh or vihaan
I will do things that will remind her of me
Yet i will behave as if iam a totally different person
She did very wrong by betraying my love
And the world knows


Vihaan looked at the video shocked

Vi: plz let me explain

R: explain what
That you were using my emotions to take revenge from me
For god sake iam not a toy to play with
First kabir
And now you
Just why me?
Iam also a human

Riddhima kept moving backwards

Vihaan saw that she was near the edge

She lost her balance and was about to fall down but vihaan held her hand and pulled her towards himself

Cupping her face vihaan said in a scared voice

Vi: have u lost it
You could have fallen down
Do u know how much it scares me to loose you
I will die riddhima
I will die
I can't see you hating me
It kills my soul

Tears pooled in riddhima's eyes as she was once again reminded of vansh

Vi: believe me riddhima plz
Iam vihaan, your vihaan
Just give me one chance to prove my self

Riddhima looked in his eyes which showed sincerity

Don't know what compelled her but she nodded her head

Vihaan gently held her hand and took her to some secret place

A man was standing there

Seeing vihaan he immediately got up and greeted him

Man: hello vihaan sir

Vi: tarun, check this video and tell me is it fake or real?

Tarun nodded and started working on his laptop

Riddhima looked around the place

It was filled with different sort of electronic devices

Vihaan held her hand and made her sit down

Riddhima felt her eyes droop, it has been 2 hours that man has been doing god knows what on that damn laptop

T: its done
The video is real but the voice is dubbed

Riddhima looked at him shocked

Tarun played the video

In the video,
Vihaan ans angre were discussing about taking riddhima away from vr mansion so that she can have a happy environment and overcome her depression

Waves of guilt washed over riddhima
She was doubting her protector
Why does she always do this
First with vansh
And now with vihaan

Understanding her , vihaan hugged her tightly

Vi: I don't blame you riddhima
Its okay
The way you behaved was natural
Anyone in your place would do that

R: but

Vi: shhh
You trusted me and gave me a chance
And thats all that matters for me
Come on now
Give me a smile

Riddhima smiled a little

Vihaan picked her up in his arms and went towards his car

Settling her down, he drove back home

Tugging her in bed, vihaan kissed her forehead and was about to go but riddhima held his hand

Vi: i will be back in an hour dollar biwi

R: are u still angry with me

Vi: i can never be angry from you my jaan
Have some sleep
I have some work to do

After completing his work, vihaan was driving towards his home, when he received a call from tarun

Vi: yes tarun

T: boss, i got to know who is behind all this?

Vihaan anger knew bounds

Vi: who is that bastard

So guys who do u think is behind all this?
Is riddhima's tormentor about to be revealed
How would vihaan deal with him?
Who could it be
Or vihaan himself?

His love season 2Where stories live. Discover now