Broken but beautiful

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Vihaan entered riddhima room to see her curled into a fetus position sobbing badly

Hurriedly running towards her, he made her sit on the bed and hugged her

R: you might be thinking that iam loosing my mind
But please trust me vihaan
I saw him with my own eyes
He was standing infront of me
He was calling me a betrayer
He said that first i killed him for kabir and now iam with you
Trust me vihaan iam not like this
Iam not that sort of girl
I agree i came as a spy in vansh's life but i never wanted to kill him
I just wanted to send him behind bars
But then i fell in love with him
I wanted to spend my entire life with him
But everything went wrong
I should have told him about my past earlier
Maybe than the situation would have been different

Vihaan caressed her hair and said

Vi: i trust you riddhima
If you are saying you saw vansh, then it must be true

Riddhima looked at him surprised

R: you trust me?

Vi: yes

Riddhima was overwhelmed hearing him but then said

R: vansh also used to say that he trust me and doesn't want to know about my past but now he considers me a betrayer

Vi: riddhima
Have you ever thought that maybe vansh stopped you from telling your truth because he already knew it

Riddhima looked at him shocked

Vi: he was a mafia riddhima
Not a fool
It would not be a surprise that he already knew that you were a spy
Despite that he fell in love with you willingly
Because he could see that you were being used in the worst way possible
The only reason he jumped off the cliff that was because kabir presented fake proofs against you stating that you helped him in trapping vansh in ragini's murder case
Maybe that day he thought that he misjudged you
Maybe he thought that he misunderstood that you fell in love with him

You both had issues in your relationship
The biggest drawback being you kept hiding things from eachother and the people of vr mansion took advantage of it to create misunderstandings between you two

Why did u never told vansh that his family was attacking you?

R: how did you know?

Vi: cctv footage

R: what would have happened if i would have told him
Its not like he would have believed me
Thats his family for heaven sake
I told him about anupriya poisoning him but he got angry on me because i was unnecessarily blaming his soo called mom

Vi: you are right
But think of it this way
If someone would have told you that kabir was cheating you without any proofs would you believe it?

Riddhima nodded her head in no

Vi: vansh biggest mistake was trusting his betrayer family above all
Yours was, not able to trust him

Riddhima sighed

R: we both were at fault?


R: i alone was not responsible?

Vi: no Riddhima
That is why, you don't have to take the entire blame on yourselves
You two were played by anupriya and kabir

Riddhima nodded her head as if understanding his each and every word

Vi: come on now
Go freshen up
We are going out

R: where?

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