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T: yes sir
All this had been done by mishra

Vi: damn it
Kabir played a very foul game
He remained infront of angre eyes and did everything behind our back through mishra

T: yes sir
The night riddhima maam saw vansh, it was a holographic image not vansh himself
All those massages, that ring of vansh all was done by him

Vi: i knew it was not vansh
How can it be
I have killed vansh with my very own hands

T: what to do now boss?

Vi: catch mishra
Its time for the tormentors to pay

Saying so vihaan cut the call

Reaching near his house, he was mighty shocked to see the whole house engulfed in flames

Vi: Riddhimaaaaa

Quickly getting out of the car he saw the guards whom he appointed for riddhima safety lying dead on the floor

Running towards the door, he tried breaking it

The door warm due to the fire made him flinch but the fact that his life was trapped inside made his inside burn

With all the courage he banged the door and entered inside

Coughing badly due to the smoke he called out riddhima's name desperately

R: vihaaaan

Vihaan sighed a breath of relief seeing her infront of him

With teary eyes, riddhima ran towards him before she could engulf him into a tight hug, the whole house exploded

Mishra who had been standing at a safe distance from the house smirked and called kabir

K: yes mishra

M: work is done boss

Kabir laughed out loudly hearing him
Taking out a knife, he pieced it into their pic and said madly

Kabir laughed out loudly hearing himTaking out a knife, he pieced it into their pic and said madly

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K: good bye riddhima and vansh

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