Coming back to life

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Lazily opening her eyes, riddhima sat up on the bed

she  got the calmest and peaceful sleep last night, after months

Looking around her eyes searched for the reason of her peace- vihaan

She frowned realising that she was in an unfamiliar room

Before she could get out of bed

The door of the room open and vihaan walked in a tray full of food

Vi: good morning dollar biwi

R: where are we?

Vi: rude

R: good morning vihaan
Now can you tell me where we are

Vi: manali

what are we doing here?

Vi: just felt like visiting it
And now plz
Don't start on your lecture of we are not on vacation
We have to go back
Blah blah blah

Riddhima raised her hand surrendering

Vi: i made your favourite breakfast
Pancakes, french toasts and fresh cream salad

R: how do u know its my favourite?

Vihaan fumbled with his words but then said

Vi: i asked the maid of vr mansion

R: thank u

Vi: you don't have to thank me dollar biwi
After all
Dosti or pyaar main
No sorry
No thank u

Riddhima smiled hearing him

She was about to get down from bed but vihaan stopped her

Vi: where are you going
Have your breakfast first
Then you can roam like a drone in the entire house

R: vihaan
I haven't even brushed yet
I will freshen up and then eat

Vi: okay okay
Come fast

R: you start your breakfast

Vi: no

Riddhima smiled and went to get freshen up

After finishing breakfast
Both went out to enjoy the beautiful weather

Riddhima felt peace wash over her as the wind slowly kissed her face
The tiny drops of snow falling on her face made her smile whole heartedly

Vihaan's heart skipped several beats seeing her soo happy

The reason i decided to leave goa was that i had no idea who was doing all this with riddhima

For me, it was kabir
But angre had been keeping a keen eye on him
And if not kabir and anupriya
Then who?
Could it be that vansh was alive and wanted revenge from riddhima
No ways
I won't let even a single scratch come on riddhima
She is finally slowly returning to her old self
And there is no way i would allow anyone to break her again

Vihaan was brought out of his thoughts when he felt something cold hit his face

He looked at riddhima and saw her giving him a naughty look

Again picking up some snow from the ground, she made a large snow ball and threw at him

Vi: why you little naughty girl

Vihaan too made snow ball and threw at her

Riddhima ducked her head at exactly the same time and got saved

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