Chapter 8- Siblings, Allies, and ,Friendships

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"Nothing ", France said after a duration of a minute.

"Come on. We been friends for awhile. I can tell when you are lying to me", America said still hugging France.

France lifted his arms and wrapped them around America. "There was an accident with my sister and I don't know how to help her and my dad", France's voice started to break into tears. His arms hugged a America a bit tighter as he sobbed unto America's shoulder. "You must think what a weak friend I am" France sobbed not giving himself a break.

"No", America said plainly. France looks up at his friend. "Father sometimes cries when he thinks he is alone, but I never got the guts to ask him why. Though my guess it has something to do with his Father, but your guess is as good as mine", America said rubbing his friends back.

"It is not fair life. No?", France said sounding very sad.

"Yeah, I guess", America said not knowing what got this usually so happy person in the glumbs.

France didn't say nothing more. He simply stayed in the position that they were in rocking back and forth. America on the other hand was sort of uncomfortable with everything. He really wanted to know what happened, but as usual his friend came first than any dumb old answers.

"Hey America how are you so calm?", France said sniffing the boogers away.

"I guess nothings happened to me yet", America admitted shamelessly.

"What do you mean by that?", France said loosening his grasp on the American.

"Well Father, the maids, UK, and you are still here, and nothing really as truly sparked any problems aside from Father and Uncle Scotty fighting", America further explained.

"I...I can't agure there" , France giggled out of his tears.

"Oh I sort of meet your Father", America exclaimed.

"He is here?!", France almost yelled.

"Yeah tried to kill my Father", America said as calm as ever.

"Good he is distracted", France getting all his things together.

"You are not leaving. Not yet", America said not trying to sound threatening in any manner.

"What?! WHY?!", France said confused at his friends new approach.

"You can't just walk in here crying not expecting to give me answer. I want to help. France you are like a older brother to me so please tell me what is wrong", America said trying to get France to crack.

"-sigh- fine", France said in defeat, ," My sister got an ability and it might get her into deep trouble".

"What kind of ability friend?", America asked.

"She can cha- . . . Um...change.. I-.. I am not allowed to tell you", France said bluntly. This was a friend and yet he was scared. What would America think? Between the English customs and his, he didn't know whether America would shun him out or not.

"Hey sometimes my dad tells me not to say things either", America decided not to question it. He patted his friends shoulder.

"Why are you like this?", France muttered.

"Like what?", America said.

"So ... easy to talk to", France explained his statement

"Um thanks?", America said wondering what France meant by 'easy to talk to'.

"Do you have any board games or something?", France said separating from the hug.

"Yes I do! Wait here for me to grab it", America said turning his back on France.

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