Hallween Chapter

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Hey this is not fully Canon to the story. If it were cannon I would say so because my brain flip flops more than a fish out of water.

Warning : Conversation that eludes to sex, possession,  and description


Somewhere in the hotel UK leaned on the railing on the 13th floor. The view was spectacular, and as he would hate to admit it America does make beautiful parade such as the one below.  He especially liked how the different shades of light danced with each other as the parade progressed throughout the night. However,  there was only thing missing from this picture.

His fiance France.

Now France was always late figuring out whether they wanted to be a boy or girl last minute but even so UK wished France could be early today.  Kisses on the roof and long walks on the sand was what all he longed for and as cheesy ad it sounded UK had something else planned.

For you see him and France weren't exactly limiting physical affection to kisses and for awhile now UK felt bad for it. Especially since they were not yet married. To him it was a sin, but that wasn't new as they had been dating for over a year now. UK fortunately had a solution for this problem in his pants. All he needed to do was wait for his partner to come.

"I wonder what would happen if I just fell?", UK said leaning a bit more. The rails creaked. UK didn't care though. He had done this many many times before.

"You'll  fall unto your soon demise", a voice said behind him blant.

UK imediently retracted and looked behind him and there stood a beautiful young lady dressed in some sorta of 1900s outfit.  Usually UK would questionit but it was Halloween so he shurged it off. "I-I said that o-out loud didn't I?", UK said as a strange fear filled him as he tried to respond back.

"OH! I must have scared you. I'm so sorry. I am Debroa by the way", the girl extended her hand towards UK to which he reluctantly accepted.  

"No No...I...we shouldn't really be up here", UK said trying to making his way to the rooftop door.

"It's fine. I'd been up here over a billion times", the woman named Debroa said with grief in her eyes but a smile on her face.

UK tries to respond but his voice just didn't catch up. 

"You are all dressed up. Were you waiting for someone?", Debroa asked after the moment of silence.

"Aye....My boy-....My finance was going to meet me up here", UK said after another pause, looking at the ground.

Debroa got the memo and looked up at the stars.  "You know my husband used to say everytime he was late?", Debroa said smiling at the sad memory.

"W-What...What did he say?", UK asked on the verge of crying as a strange new feeling of sadness washed over him.

"He said the moon is more sad then me because ,his queen,  the sun keeps running from him", Debroa said breaking into tears.

"I take it he left?", UK said sitting next to the stranger feeling compelled to comfort them.

"No I did.  I left him behind" , Debroa said between her cries hiding her face into UK's chest.  Usually UK would stop it here but the woman was obviously hurting so he let it be.

"Hey I'd be willing to bet you had a no other option plus he probably moved on", UK said trying his best to comfort the girl.

"No..-girly sobs- he still hasn't hasn't taken off that damned ring", Debroa said bursting into a mixture of tears and laughter. She brought her arms around UK.

"Why don't you just go back?", UK said smiling already thinking of multiple solutions

"You can't just come back alive ", Debroa stated , squeezing UK.

"What do you mean by that?", UK said grabbing the woman's hand on his shoulder

"I am dead", Debroa said lifting her head up with a solem look on her face.

UK just stood in fear before getting himself together.  "N-Nice Costume", UK said hoping he was right. He totally forgot about comforting this woman.

"It's not a costume", Debroa said grabbing UK's other hand and giving both a squeeze.

"Oh....", UK said trying to yank his hands away.

"Too late for that sweeties", Debroa said her mouth elongating, her eyes turning black, and her voice going much more deeper.

"Um can you let my hand go?", UK said trying his best to hid this overwhelming fear.

"It's time to go to sleep", Debroa said to the other.

"But....I am awake....-shakes his head- How are you doing this?", UK mumbled fighting to stay awake.








"UNITED Kingdom!", France yelled at the country who sleepy like a rock.

"Ahhhhhhskdknfndkdkjdndkdjdbdjidksldjjdjdjjdjdjdjdjjddjshetriedsjjdjdjdjjdjdkdkdnndndndkkdkdjandjdjfjjfjfnfjfnnfnfjfjfnnfnfwhowassheaijfjfnfjfnjf", Britain imediently stated his word jumbled.

"Calm down Breguet", France said rubbing the back of their husband's back.  "You probably had a nightmare", France said moving UK to their lap.

"I was waiting for you on the roof and.....I was grabed by this ghost demon thing.  They they wa-", UK somehow lost breathe mid sentence.

"Shhhhh shhhhhhh calm down.  Breguet.  You might wake up the children "  France said rocking their lover.

"Ch-Children?", UKs breathe came back.

"Oui the children ", France said in a soft tone. 

"I thought we were safe", UK muttered.

"We are safe Deborah and we'll always be safe as long as I am around", France's voice changed.

"Debora?", UK thought to himself.  "Are you messing with me Fr- Joe ", UKs voice took control.

"Why would I ever mess with my wife?", 'Joe said looking at UK in the eyes.

"I dunno you just seemed the type", UK's head looked up at the man without his consent.  He would be lying if it all didn't look familiar. 

"No, not now Debroa. Like I said we might wake up the kids", Joe said playfully.

"Come on just one kiss", the voice came out of UK's lips.

"Fine anything for my wife", Joe said leaning in and connecting their lips.  UK just looked around the room.  He seemed to be trapped in his own body.  Who was this Joe and Why isn't be in control of his own body?  Then he saw the mirror reflection.  It was Debroa doing the exact same pose in the mirror. 

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