Chapter 24 - New Beginnings

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The three of them stood and marvelled at the sheer beauty of what was to be their future headquarters.

The surface of the lake shimmered in the sunlight and the distant thundering of the waterfall mixed with the soft rustling of trees created a calm and peaceful symphony that made Ava feel comfortable instantly. The forest was stretching before them as far as the eye could see and as the terrain was sloping downwards slightly, the view from the clearing was spectacular.

On a clear day like this, one could see for miles, even suspect the border of the territory - her territory - where it bordered the rift in the south and Frode's lands to the south-east. The mighty mountains rising to the north and east were like guardians, protecting their backs from any possible danger.

The clearing had proven bigger than anticipated and the landing - much to Ava's relief - had been far gentler than expected. While she had enjoyed flying immensely, starting and landing still made her stomach churn.

"You'll get used to it in no time," Trygve assured from where he was standing next to her. "If you'll let us fly again that is, of course," he added hastily, the familiar insecurity creeping into his words.

"How could I ever keep you from something that is part of your nature?" She shook her head. "I would never do that. Never." She paused trying to meet the Dracaeni's eyes. Sadly, his face had resumed the closed expression he wore whenever he hid what he was truly feeling. IT made her heart clench with sadness  

"I really hope that you can believe me. Both of you," she added with determination, giving both Gainor and him looks that she hoped would make them realise her sincerity.

Gainor smiled at her shyly, while Trygve merely nodded.

"I didn't mean to doubt you," he thought her way. "Forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive you for," she thought back. 

"So, this is the place," Gainor interrupted their silent dialogue. "What's next?"

Ava surveyed the clearing, looking for the foundation. 

According to their research, it was an ancient rune-covered stone, that marked the exact location of where the headquarters was to be. Only here a connection with the magic of the land was possible. Her last step towards completing the quest and towards being safe from the Council.

"We need to find the foundation, so I can start the enchantment," she explained, reaching back to take the final bead from the hair slide. It was the last of the spells she and Orla had prepared.

"We'll help you looking for it, " Trygve declared. "I'll start from the shore of the lake, Gainor can start from the foot of the mountain, while you start from the treeline," he said.

"My, my, so eager to be in charge. You should make him your general," Gainor teased grinning, and Ava couldn't help but join him. She was happy to hear him saying what he thought so openly.

Trygve however, didn't seem to find this particularly funny. 

"Stop this at once," he growled. "I was only trying to help, which is as much for your own benefit as for hers, so no need to make fun of me," he added and stalked off towards the lake.

Gainor looked as if he had been struck, while Ava just stood there, open-mouthed, and watched as Trygve's tall frame became smaller as he went towards the lake. Wherever had that reaction come from, she wondered?

Of course, she knew by now, that duty was something that Trygve took very, if not overly serious. However, she also knew, and so must her as he knew the other Dracaeni much longer than she did, that Gainor liked to tease and make jokes.

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