Concluding a Bargain

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Ava's words caused utter havoc.

She even managed to strip Farvald's and Dathal's faces bare of their usual masks.

While the latter was utterly shocked, his jaw practically dropping to the table, the former seethed with fury, making every candle in the room burn brighter as his wrath found an open valve in his elemental magic. While Frode had nearly lost all his colour because of his rage, Njall's face was quite the opposite. It was so red with it that his head appeared to be on the brink of bursting.

Behind them, shouts, threats, and insults erupted, wood scraping across the stone floor, where benches were pushed back by those that jumped to their feet, ready to lurch at Ava should their lieges give the order to do so.

Next to her she more felt than saw Trygve changing position ever so slightly. He was getting into a fighting stance, she realised, ready to defend her should it come to violence.

"How dare you," Farvald thundered jumping up from his throne, drowning out all the shouting around her and glaring at her from above. His stare actually made her skin burn, clearly showing that he no longer had full control over his magic.

Just like she did when she involuntarily shared images with here Dracaeni, Ava realised. For all his power and experience, even the king's capabilities seemed to have limits. However, she wasn't sure whether she found that worrisome or reassuring.

"Insolent child. With what right do you bind yourself to one of his kind?" He pointed a finger at the Fae next to Trygve.

Finally daring to look at the male she had just bound to her, she saw that his features too showed utter shock. Although she certainly had expected as much she could help but flinch at the expression. What had she just done to him?

His piercingly blue stare bored into her own eyes inquisitively. However, instead of starting to argue or ask questions that would undoubtedly worsen their position with the Council significantly, she only heard a one-word whisper in her head.


"Because I would have condemned you and them to certain death at their hands," she thought back, desperately hoping that her words would be some kind of consolation given that she'd just claimed without his approval or a chance to deny her request.

For that, he would have needed a chance to protest, but even if the council had let him do that, Ava doubted that it would have been to any avail. To the men in front of them, his word counted nothing, even less than hers. The only he could possibly achieve was the rewed accusations of treason.

But before the stranger could reply, the king reminded her that he was still expecting an answer.

"I'm waiting," Farvald snarled at her and she nearly flinched at the sharpness of his words. "I'm afraid you've rather exhausted my patience," he added and ava wouldn't be surprised if every letter left burn marks on her skin for as how they felt.

"According to the law that you decreed, my Lord," Ava repeated the words that Trygve beside her whispered into her mind. She wasn't sure if she would have been able to reply without his support, "I'm free to choose whomever I wish to be my consort. No species is excluded," she went on and to her own surprise her voice was steady, despite her racing pulse and wobbly legs.

"Don't you lecture me," the king seethed and send whisps of red and orange sparks through the entire room, "I know the law! I am the law!"

A breathless pause followed in which no one dared to move.

"How can you claim one of our greatest enemies to be yours? Have you no respect for your own kind?" he asked and Ava was grateful that he seemed to regain some control over his magic. This time there had been no sparks and no scorching heat on her skin.

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