Greatest Wounds

663 17 0

3rd P.O.V

With Zirconis finally gone, Predaking crashes onto his front and hind claws, resting down which surprised everyone around. His frontal claws are crossed over each other, and his snout pointed to the ground.

'*Breath out~* Finally, the Dragon King Festival has concluded...' Predaking thoughts in relief, then examines his condition with Optics closed, '[CAUTION: Energon 10% Remaining- Systems and internals highly damaged. Period required to repair: 5-6 days-]'

Nearby, Arcadios and Princess Hisui are just gazing up in awe at Predaking including, Wendy,  Mira and the Exceeds. From the blood dripping from his exteriors, to every scars and scratches on his black-plated armoured body, "...Amazing~"

"This dragon was Haru Scarlet all this time...?" Arcadios curiously inquires the nearby Fairy Tail members, "...Just what is he-? Was he a dragon?"

Happy was about to answer until something crashed onto the concrete ground several meters away from the group, CLANG! "What was that-?!" Wendy questions looking at the source of the frightening sound.

As for Predaking, he knew what it was. His Optics opened revealing his signature terrifying red-glowing eyes, gazing at the dropped object, Zewww- He gets on all fours and answers, "...My Human Form has returned..."

"Over there-" Mira points to the severely mutilated Human Form of Haru's. Without wasting a second, the Fairy Tail members including Princess Hisui and Arcadios charge towards it.

When they reach, his body was the same as they last saw it.

His jet-black and red armour which basically is his body, is decorated with huge countless scars all over his legs, body and his intact left-arm. Many of the cybertronian inscriptions that were carved onto him are visible but partially. What really draw their horrified attention is his right-arm that is missing. It went all the way to his right-chest, exposing a hollow part that could fit some kind of a ball-sized orb. As for his internals, wires of blue-red are tangled, singed and burning. His eyes... it was also terribly unfortunate. The fact that majority has seen what Future Rogue did to Haru's eyes, it was unspeakable. A huge black-gash can be seen across his
closed-eyes. Underneath his blacken-eyelids however, it's hollow...

"Dear god..." Arcadios gasps in horror.

"Oh my, this is horrible..." Princess Hisui mumbles with her mouth closed.

Mira, she sat down, gently lifts Haru's head and places it on top of her lap, stroking the empty shell's hair.

"Umm Mira, what are you doing...?" Wendy sweatdrops to the S-Class wizard stroking Haru's hair.

"I was worried for Haru, that I couldn't help it~"

After that, they heard the sound of metal clashing with metal, ZZZZTING! The sudden sound immediately draws their attention to the source which is behind them.

Predaking's unworldly transformation caused everybody nearby to gaze in awe of the metal shifting, sliding and merging as though they were alive. The outcome is a floating baseball-sized orb, emmiting a dim and warm blue-glow which everybody is speechless.

"What... is that~?" Yukino trails off gazing at the floating blue-glowing orb, with
white-patterns circling around the glass-like structure.

"His Spark~" Happy raises his paw.

"And what's that...?" Then it is Princess Hisui's turn to ask.

Cybertronian in Fairy Tail (Transformers X Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now