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"I'll make you a tea." Andrew offers when he spots me coming down the stairs, but I shut him down immediately.

"I can do it myself." I say as I flip my hair upside down to wrap a white towel around my showered head of hair.

The second Andrew and I arrived at the house, I ran straight to the shower and burnt my skin with fiery hot water. It felt ah-mazing! Only downside during the shower was the random flashes of Benny's body. That wasn't so ah-mazing.

"Why are you like this?" Andrew questions and moves away from the kitchen, instead towards me to the living room.

"What?" I raise my brow at him, utterly confused with where he's going with this.

"For once, you just weren't as bitchy out there. Except for that Will comment... and now that you're home you're back to your bitchyself." I scoff at his words, who the hell does he think he is?

"Fuck off, Andrew." I give him a light shove away from me and Andy rolls his eyes immediately, before raising his hand up to fix his hearing aid on his left ear. I don't know how to respond to his comment... just leave me be.

"Do you just care about yourself?"

"I mean, not all the time. If it helps me out more than caring for someone else then sure."

Andrew stares at me, hundreds of emotions run throughout his face as it grows red, "you're so annoying," He shakes his head and exits the living room before turning around to face me, "I'm going to Mike's. Jenny is home, I know you don't care just thought to let you know."

He exits the house, leaving me with my sister until James and my mom get back from their shift. I was used to being home alone for years now, especially since my mom and step dad realised house bills and hospital bills for Andy were racking up. They started taking more shifts at work leaving me to take care of my siblings more than I'd liked.

I walk over to the sink in the bathroom and grab the blow dryer that sits untouched underneath the counter in the cabinet. I plug the white dryer into the electric point and dry my brown head of hair.

Once I was done I boil water to make myself the tea Andy offered and turn on the tv while I wait for the water to finish.

I think Andy's being a moron, I wasn't being bitchy at all. I just wanted to make my own tea, ugh. Whatever. I just need to rest my fucking legs after all that running and just rest in general.

I pull Steve away from Nancy where the two were standing by her locker. They were chatting and laughing and I just couldn't handle watching and hearing it anymore. I woke up today morning dressed and ready waiting for Steve to pick me up with Carol and Tommy, but I didn't see his brown BMW anywhere so I had to walk all the freaking way to school in my white pumps.

Summer Royalty | Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now