Chapter Seven: One Paul and a Box of Burning Twinkies

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                          !!!!!!THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO TWINKIES!!!!!!

 Its also dedicated to the girl in the comments on the last chapter. Hope you didn't explode.

 - Jaz <3

Btw this chapter sucks so have fun comprehending it.

 "HARRY! OH MY GOD! STOP!" I screamed as he started flinging peppers at me. The boys had called B Antonios and had managed to rent one of them out.

 "He's throwing them at you because hot things go together." Zayn said, I looked over at him and almost died laughing, the boy was covered in flour. "I know. I'm a genius."

 "I think she's laughing at your face." Louis replied, giving him a mirror.

 "NIALL! STOP EATING THE CHEESE!" Paul yelled, taking the cheese bin away from him, only for Niall to find the pineapple bin and a fork.

 "EVERYONE STOP!" Liam yelled, everyone froze, pepper in mid air, mirror crashing to the floor, clang of Louis' head hitting a mixer.

 Within the next five minutes we had managed to get Paul standing by the Pepsi fridge drinking a Snapple and the rest of the boys doing something productive. Niall was given the job of sitting in a corner eating away the restraunt's supply of pineapple, Harry was breaking the pizza oven trying to put breadsticks in it, Louis was putting digusting toppings on pizzas, Liam was making salads, and Zayn was rolling out dough. I helped roll out dough and put toppings on the pizzas until I could smell something burning.

 "Does anyone else smell that?" I asked, everyone looked at Harry. We had given him the job of using the oven because he had worked in a bakery before X-Factor, something I had learned while we were sorting out the chaos.

 "I didn't do it." He said, next we looked at Zayn, who was still preoccupied with trying to put dough onto a pan.

 "Where's Niall?" Louis asked, we saw him sitting in his corner happily munching on pineapple while singing some random mix of songs.

 I walked around the corner the the extra kitchens, being followed by four curious boys. Paul was standing by one of the many ovens, looking at something in a pot that had smoke coming out of it. How the hell?

 "PAUL!" Niall bellowed, nearly bursting out my ear drums. "WHAR ARE YA DOIN?"

 "Uhhhhh......?" His face became red as he moved the unknown burning substance into a sink.

 We all broke out laughing. The body guard who was perfectly capable of fending for himself just killed a poor Twinkie. I figured that out by the box sitting on the counter.

 "You can't boil Twinkies." I managed to choke out, we were being rude.... but in my defense it was hilarious.

 "Whats a Twinkie?" Liam asked, his face told me he was attempting not to laugh and tragically failing.

 "Did you seriously just ask what a Twinkie is?" I asked.

 "Yes." Liam replied, Niall had figured out that Twinkies were edible and piped up.

 "Can we try a Twinkie?" he asked, a giant smile plastered onto his face.

 "Someone get a video camera." I said, grabbing the box of Twinkies and walking over to a table, the manager, Jason, and the owner, Bill, had taken over the cooking and Paul had retreated. Lets share the boys' first experience eating Twinkies with the whole world, no?


 "Hi! We're One Direction." Liam started, looking at the boys, Niall was missing... Of course.

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