Chapter Eight Part One: Charlotte Terrorizes My Bathroom

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 Okay what the fuck is this noise disturbing my precious sleep?  I looked at the clock on my bedside table, 6:26 AM. Who is awake before seven? Why is my phone playing One Direction? And how the hell did I forget to turn off the volume on my phone?

 "Who the hell?" I asked, looking at my phone and seeing the words 'Boo' and 'Bear' on my phone as caller ID. They even made the picture Winnie The Pooh which, I admit, I hoard pictures of on my phone.  

 "Who is this?" I asked, pressing the answer button.

 "Good morning!" I was greeted by a british accent that was a bit high pitched. 

 "Louis?" I said, getting kind of pissed off at the fact he woke me up at six thirty. 

 "Yup." he chirped, god he's too lively. "And Niall, Zayn, and Harry."

 "Go the fuck to bed." I told him, burying my face in the pillow. 

 "HARRY PUT SOME GOD DAMNED PANTS ON! YOU CAN'T JUST-!" was the last thing I heard before pressing mute.

 Go to bed you bastards. I thought, falling asleep and probably making my phone bill sky rocket. 


 "There's a firefly, loose tonight, better catch it before it burns this place down." 

 If someone is calling me I'll suffocate them with my pillow and then sleep on them. 

 "WHAT?" I yelled into my phone after pressing answer.

 "Is everything okay? I've been calling ya since 'leven and ya don't answer." I heard the Paula Deen accent of my 'Aunt' Maurie on the other end. 

 "What time is it?" I asked, looking at the clock again. 12:47. "Fuck."

 "Don't ya say words like that young lady." she told me, I rolled my eyes. "Did yall just roll your eyes at me?"

 "No." I lied, she could tell what anyone was doing on the other line even if she didn't know them. It kind of scared me. "Wait.. Why have you been calling me?"

 "I heard Louanne's grandbaby talkin 'bout this boy band. And I swear I heard your name pop up, Fire." Maurie replied, woooow..... "And she found these photos on her Tweeter. I coulda sworn that boy was kissin you."

 "Oh my god. Why does everyone think he was kissing me? Why do the photoshop gods hate me?" I muttered, repeatedly hitting my forehead with the edge of my palm. 

 Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. Aaaand it was Charlotte. 

 "Aunt Maurie, I hate to cut you off, but I have to go." I said, getting hung up on a second later before i could do or say anything else.

 "Hey. You live on Cinderella in the two story brick house, right?" Charlotte said when I answered. 

 "You're outside my house, aren't you?" I said, walking over to my window and seeing a bright blue car in the driveway. 

 "Affirmitive. Now, get your lucky ass down here because my hair needs to be pinker." she responded, getting out of the car with a Sally's Beauty Supply bag.

 "Why can't someone else do it?" I asked her, starting to wonder how she got my address. Oh wait....

 "Because my other friends are either homosexuals or have never seen hair dye before." Nice choice in friends. "Plus I don't want my bathroom to look like I murdered a gumball." Nice choice in where to dye your hair.

 "Why can't you do it at your boyfriend's?" I asked as she let herself into my house. I probably should've locked the front door.

 "Because he's a major douche canoe and he cheated on me with a bottle blonde from Steaky Shakey." Charlotte yelled up to me, hanging up a moment later. "Uhuru!"

 "Okay then..." I said, walking downstairs and not even bothering to change out of my Harry Potter pajamas.

 "One, I want those PJs. Two, you look like fucking hell." she told me as I stood infront of her.

 "Thanks." I said, my eyeliner was probably under my eyes and my hair probably had random bits sticking straight out like Pippi Longstocking's braids.

 "Now lets murder a gumball in your bathroom." Charlotte said, smiling and practically flying up to my room. 

 "Somebody save me." I muttered, closing my eyes and sighing before following her.


 "Charlotte I'm not kidding. Take this Lysol and clean the fucking bathroom." I practically hissed at her, she was sitting on my bed with pink hair that faded to white in the bangs. 

 "Does it look like I'm a maid?" she asked, extending her middle finger towards me then laying down with her feet on my pillows and her head on my panda from Build-A-Bear.

 "Yes. Now clean up your mess Miss five year old trapped in a seventeen year old's body." I told her, sitting on my bed then pushing her off. 

 "Why can't you do it?" Charlotte responded, rolling around on the floor and making weird faces at me.

 A. I'd have to clean the whole bathroom. That includes the toilet, bathtub, sink, floor, walls, and counter. B. I'd have to get up off my butt and stop watching Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 2. 

 "I'm lazy." I groaned, shielding my face with my orange Camp Half Blood pillow.

 "Why don't you call man whores one through five?" she asked, literally crawling onto my bed.

 "Because man whores one through five bring fan girls one through one thousand with them." I said as if that were enough of an explanation. 

 "Pleeeeeaaaaaaaseeee?" Charlotte said, shaking my arm.

 "No. That is using them and, unlike some people who terrorize other people's bathrooms with pink hair dye, I don't do that." I was starting to consider it. Kind of.

 "I promise I wont do anything to them." she said, wait... What?

 "Uhhhh...." I scooted away from her. "As in fuck or kill?"

 "As in everything." she told me, giving me puppy dog eyes.

 "Fine. I'll call the man whores." I said, grabbing my phone and clicking the contact that said Boo Bear.

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