14 - House

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La maison - (The house)
L'appartement - (The apartment)
La pièce - (The room)

La salle de séjour / le salon - (The living room)
La salle à manger - (The dining room)
La cuisine - (The kitchen)
La chambre à coucher - (The bedroom)
La salle de bain - (The bathroom)
Les toilettes - (The toilet)

La cheminée - (The fireplace / chimney)
La bibliothèque - (The library)
La salle de jeux - (The game room)
La chambre d'amis / d'invités - (The guest room)
Le cellier - (The storeroom)
Le garage - (The garage)
Le grenier - (The attic)
Le jardin - (The garden)
La terrasse - (The terrace)
Le balcon - (The balcony)

L'entrée - (The entry)
La porte - (The door)
Le sol - (The floor)
Le toit - (The roof)
Le mur - (The wall)
Les escaliers - (The stairs)
L'étage - (The floor/upstairs)
>>(le premier étage = the first floor)
Le couloir - (The hallway)
La fenêtre - (The window)
Le volet - (The shutter)
La clé - (The key)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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