A Childs Mind, A Killer's Thoughts

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Arriving at the beach Naruto quickly scanned the area around him desperately trying to find Nyu in the darkness of the night paying no heed of the down pouring rain, hoping to spot the young woman he looked toward the end of the beach to seen if she was near the ocean and it appeared that Kami-Sama had decided to give him a break because sure enough there she was on her hands and knees digging through the soaked sand while small ocean waves crashed against her.

Running towards shouting her name she turned just in time for Naruto to slam into her and take her in comforting hug, pulling back slightly Naruto stared into her eyes to find bloodshot and puffy indicting that she had indeed been crying, gritting his teeth at Kohta's irresponsible actions towards the girl, shaking his head he opened up the umbrella and placed it over her head and offered a smile filled with kindness and warmth "I'm sorry that Kohta's words made you feel sadness and that he told you to leave but I'm sure he didn't mean it, he was probably a bit upset at him self for whatever he said to his sister I'm sure he didn't mean to take it out on you" he spoke in soft tone and it seemed to make her feel better as she looked at him with understanding taking her hand he spoke "come lets get you home and into some dry clothes" a confirmed 'Nyu' was his answer, chuckling at her childish persona Naruto pulled her to her feet with the umbrella still over her head of course.

It was the he noticed that she had her right hand closed hiding something "Nyu what's that you have there" he spoke with curiosity in his voice as he watched as her face light up in joy, bringing her arms just as she was about to show him when Naruto's eyes suddenly widened before he spun around with his elbow arched slamming into soldier's face that was trying to sneak up on him, a surprised gasp was heard along with a shocked 'Nyu' as the soldier was thrown back 4 feet next to another soldier that seemed equally surprised, Naruto stood with an arm stretched out in front of Nyu in a protective manner who in turn hid behind him while his eyes narrowed at the soldiers.

"You know it's rude to sneak up on people" Naruto spoke with edge in his voice while the soldier that was knocked down got up chuckling at Naruto "Lucky shot kid, you caught me by surprise not many people can do that" the soldier announced in arrogance Naruto rolled his eyes at the man "Well don't I feel special" his voice laced with sarcasm "Hey Sato they gave us the green light to kill civilians right" the soldier voiced in glee, the other soldier known as Sato spoke with a shaken voice "eh..n.no sir we'd have to get clearance f..from HQ" Naruto's eyes widened "kill?" He muttered.

"Yes dumb ass that's what I said, kill it means I pull the trigger the gun goes off and your brain splatters all over the sand, the beach gets bloody and you get dead" he spoke in an intimidating voice, Naruto thinking quickly grabbed Nyu's arm and prepared to run only to make it to the begging of the staircase when the soldier fired of a few rounds at the sand to the side of them "I'm on a hunt and your girlfriend is my prey" in spite of the situation Naruto blushed at the girlfriend comment, turning around to face the soldier that was chuckling as he approached the two, channeling wind chakra to his left hand a soft humming sound could barely be heard through the pouring rain, just as the man stopped right in front of him "now get ou" "Gale Palm!" Naruto shouted as he slammed his open palm against the soldier's chest cutting off what he going to say as it sent the soldier flying back past his partner to the shores of the sea, it also caused the sand around them to rise up to become a thick dust cloud , acting quickly grabbing Nyu in a bridle hold Naruto with a chakra enhanced jump shot off toward the abandoned boat yard.

Unfortunately Naruto forgot about Sato who had fired a bullet skimming just above his hip 'Damn it seemed the other one had a back bone' Naruto thought in pain as he and Nyu fell from the skies, without even thinking Naruto shifted his body so that Nyu's fall would be cushioned by him while his back would take the force of the collision of the soaked concrete, slamming into the ground with grunt of pain the two skidded across the hard ground striking straight into an old wooden create, with a pained glance Naruto saw that Nyu was relatively unharmed. A somewhat relieved sigh escaped his lips when he saw her looking at him with concern and grunted when she shook him slightly indicating that he had broken a couple of ribs along side the flesh wound, Naruto's vision darkened 'No I'm losing consciousness, come on baka move, Nyu-Chans counting on me I can't let her get hurt' Naruto thought desperately as he attempted to sit up his body screamed at him to be still gritting his teeth to try and push past the pain with a clear objective in his mind to protect Nyu, only for him slump back it to the debris they had made from the crash despite the burning agony his felt his eyes managed to open slightly to see Nyu carted off by the soldier he presumed was the one who shot him seeing how he gave Naruto a sympathetic look, his eye sight tunnelled around him till he could only see Nyu shouting probably 'Nyu' at him 'I'm sorry Nyu-Chan' Naruto slipped into unconsciousness.

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